The analysis of this master's thesis is based on three manuscripts that represent the preserved dramatic passion texts that were performed on the wider ethnic Slovenian region. The passion plays were written in the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. These are the Škofja Loka Passion Play, which falls under the Jesuit tradition, the Kapla Passion Play, which belongs to the Capuchin church order, and the Drabosnjak Passion Play, which belongs among the »peasant« literature (or bukovništvo), which is further explained in the thesis. In the thesis, the
characters of the passion plays are presented, with a particular emphasis on the characters that
are added to the texts and are not part of the original gospel stories. There is a comparison of the death monologue, which occurs in all three plays. In the second part of this thesis the words that were used, are extracted. The result of the word analysis is a set of words of the dramatic passion plays that were used in the Slovenian passion playwriting tradition.