
Vpliv ohlajanja telesa na zmanjševanje simptomov pri pacientih z multiplo sklerozo : diplomsko delo
ID Lukač, Žana (Author), ID Puh, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Telesna vadba pacientov z multiplo sklerozo omili posledice bolezni in pripomore k ohranjanju telesne pripravljenosti, vendar pa lahko pride zaradi povišanja telesne temperature med telesno dejavnostjo do poslabšanja simptomov. Ohlajanje telesa pred ali med telesno vadbo se uporablja kot terapevtski postopek za zmanjševanje pojava novonastalih simptomov in boljše sodelovanje pacientov. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil narediti pregled literature o učinkih ohlajanja na zmanjševanje simptomov pri pacientih z multiplo sklerozo. Metode dela: Raziskovalne članke smo iskali v podatkovnih zbirkah PubMed, Cochrane library in PEDro. Rezultati: V pregled literature smo vključili pet raziskav, objavljenih med letom 2008 in 2020. V raziskavah je sodelovalo med deset in 24 pacientov z različnimi stopnjami bolezni, največ z recidivno-remitentno obliko. Ohlajena soba med vadbo prispeva k hitrejši hoji, višji telesni pripravljenosti, višji maksimalni kontrakciji plantarnih fleksorjev in kakovosti življenja ter zmanjša utrudljivost. Pitje hladne vode med vadbo podaljša čas trajanja vadbe. Ohlajanje celega telesa pred vadbo zniža srčno frekvenco v mirovanju in zaznavo napora. Ohlajanje zgornjega uda med vadbo pa podaljša čas vadbe in zviša maksimalno srčno frekvenco. Zaključek: Ohlajanje telesa med vadbo je učinkovita metoda za izboljšanje hitrosti hoje, podaljšanje časa izvajanja vadbe, višjo maksimalno kontrakcijo mišic in nižjo temperaturo telesnega jedra, prispeva pa tudi k manjši utrudljivosti, zaznavi napora ter višji kakovosti življenja pacientov z multiplo sklerozo. Za zanesljivejše rezultate je potrebnih več randomiziranih nadzorovanih raziskav z večjimi vzorci preiskovancev.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, multipla skleroza, ohlajanje telesa, zmanjševanje pojavnosti simptomov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Ž. Lukač]
Number of pages:28 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121309 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31092227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of body cooling to reduce symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis : diploma work
Introduction: Physical activity performed by patients with multiple sclerosis, alleviates the effects of the disease and helps maintain physical condition. However, the rising of the body temperature due to being physically active can trigger symptom aggravation. Body cooling before or during a physical activity is used as a therapeutic method, which reduces the emergence of newly created symptoms and enables better cooperation of patients. Purpose: The purpose of the dissertation was to make an overview of writings about the effects of cooling on the symptom suppression on patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. Methods: The research papers were found in the corpora of PubMed, Cochrane library and PEDro. Results: There were five research papers integrated into the writings overview, which were published between 2008 and 2020. In these research papers cooperated a various number of patients, namely between ten and 24 with different stages of the disease, mostly with the relapsing-remitting form. A cooled room during a physical activity aids in a higher level of walking speed, a better physical condition, a higher contraction maximum of plantar flexors, a higher quality of life, and lowers the levels of exhaustion. Drinking cool water during training prolongs the period of a physical activity. The cooling of the whole body during training, lowers the heart rate in inactivity and the feeling of exertion. The cooling of the upper limb during a physical activity prolongs the period of training and raises the maximum heart rate. Conclusion: Body cooling during a physical activity is an efficient method to improve walking speed, prolong the period of a physical activity, raise the contraction maximum of muscles, and lower the body core temperature. It also helps lower the levels of exhaustion, feeling of exertion and overall contributes to the higher quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis. For more reliant results, there needs to be more randomised controlled trials with a higher number of patients.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, multiple sclerosis, body cooling, suppression of symptom emergence

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