
Primerjava socialne opore nosečnic in mladih mater : diplomsko delo
ID Žertuš, Slavica (Author), ID Kogovšek, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi so v središču pozornosti ženske, ki tvorijo skoraj polovico celotne družbe. Ženske v času nosečnosti in materinstva doživljajo različne fiziološke, psihološke in kulturne preobrate. Sredi različnih sprememb so lahko dodatno obdane s konceptom, da morda ne bodo mogle obvladati prihajajočih novih okoliščin, zato v veliki meri potrebujejo socialno oporo v boju z različnimi vplivi. Za razumevanje potreb nosečnic in mladih mam sem v diplomski nalogi najprej opredelila pojem nosečnosti in materinstva. Sledi razlaga socialne opore ter socialnih omrežij. Danes skorajda več ni gospodinjstva, ki ne bi uporabljalo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Na koncu teoretičnega dela zatorej predstavim nosečnice ter mlade mame in njihovo udejstvovanje preko svetovnega spleta. Empirični del prikazuje analizo po posameznih skupinah socialne opore (informacijska opora, čustvena opora, materialna opora in neformalno občasno druženje), predstavljenih s pomočjo dvanajstih poglobljenih intervjujev, ki sem jih opravila z nosečnicami in mladimi materami. Diplomska naloga se zaključi z ugotovitvami, da mlade mame pogosteje uporabijo svetovni splet za zagotavljanje podrobnih informacij, hkrati pa tudi pogosteje iščejo druženje kot potrditev pripadnosti od nosečnic. Pri čustveni opori je tako pri nosečnicah kot tudi pri mladih materah pomembna opora najbližjih družinskih članov ter prijateljev. Materialno oporo prav tako obe skupini iščeta pri svojih najbližjih, vendarle pa je skupina mater pokazala večjo naklonjenost iskanju materialne opore preko svetovnega spleta.

Keywords:Socialna opora, nosečnost, materinstvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Žertuš]
Number of pages:52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121300 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36011011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of social support of pregnant women and young mothers
In my thesis, the focus is on women who represent half of the entire society. Women experience major physiological, psychological and cultural upheavals during pregnancy. In the midst of different changes they can feel surrounded by the concept that they will not be able to cope with the new circumstances and this is why they need to a large extent social support when fighting different effects. In order to understand the needs of young mothers, I decided to define the concepts of pregnancy and motherhood in my thesis followed by an explanation of social support and social networks. Nowadays almost every household uses information and communication technology. At the end of the theoretical part I talk about the pregnant women and young mothers and their activities over the World Wide Web. The empirical part represents an analysis by the areas of social support (information support, emotional support, material support and informal occasional socializing) including twelve in-depth interviews conducted with pregnant women and young mothers. The thesis concludes with the findings that young mothers are more likely to use the World Wide Web to provide them with detailed information. At the same time they also more often seek companionship like confirmation from pregnant women and affiliation with them. In the case of emotional support, the one of the closest family members and friends is important for both pregnant women and young mothers. Material support is also sought by both groups from their loved ones, however a group of mothers shows a greater preference for finding material support over the World Wide Web.

Keywords:Social support, pregnancy, motherhood

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