
Morfometrična analiza površinskih in jamskih populacij bibic (Synurella ambulans)
ID Pekolj, Anja (Author), ID Fišer, Cene (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Jamske živali so morfološko, fiziološko in vedenjsko prilagojene na življenje v jamah. Morfološke značilnosti, t. i. troglomorfoze, so nastale konvergentno oz. paralelno. V tej študiji smo analizirali vzorce morfoloških sprememb ob prehodu v podzemlje pri postranici bibici (Synurella ambulans). Izbrali smo štiri geografsko bližnje pare jamskih in površinskih populacij bibic ter izmerili obseg in površino očesa, dolžino tipalnic I in II, dolžino pereopodov V–VII, dolžino in širino propoda pereopoda VI in dolžino daktila pereopoda VI. Dokazov za paralelno evolucijo je malo. Vsaka od jamskih populacij se od površinskih razlikuje v treh do devetih lastnostih. Vse štiri jamske populacije imajo v primerjavi s površinskimi manjšo površino očesa, tri jamske populacije pa tudi krajšo tipalnico II. V drugih lastnostih se jamske in površinske populacije bodisi ne razlikujejo bodisi razlik ne moremo pripisati predhodu v podzemno okolje.

Keywords:morfometrična analiza, Synurella amulans, površinske in jamske populacije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121296 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:44386819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Morphometric analysis of terranean and cave populations of Synurella ambulans (Müller, 1846)
Subterranean organisms presumably share morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations to subterranean life. Morphological characteristic, so called troglomorphoses, presumably evolved paralelly or convergently. We studied morphological differences between cave and surface populations of the amphipod crustacean Synurella ambulans. We selected four, geographically neighbouring pairs of surface and cave populations. We measured eye perimeter and surface, lengths of antenna I and II, lengths of pereopods V-VII, length and width of propodus VI and length and length of dactylus VI. Population pairs differ from each other in three to nine traits, however, we found little evidence for parallel evolution. As compared to respective surface populations, all cave populations have smaller eye area. Additionally, three cave populations have shorter antenna II than their surface counterparts. Other traits evolved non-predictably and cannot be attributed to ecological differences between surface and cave environment.

Keywords:morphometric analysis, Synurella ambulans, cave and surface populations

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