
Ruski begunci na Slovenskem po 1. svetovni vojni: družina Balžalorsky
ID Mehle, Andrej (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Strle, Urška (Comentor)

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V sklopu begunskega vprašanja, ki je bilo v ospredju v času prve svetovne vojne in po njej, so največjo skupino tvorili begunci z ruskega ozemlja, ki so se zaradi prihoda boljševizma na oblast tekom državljanske vojne razselili po celem svetu. Nekaj deset tisoč jih je svoj novi dom našlo v novonastali Kraljevini Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev, kjer so vzpostavili svoje lastne institucije, ki so skrbele za njihovo zdravje, dostojno bivanje, kulturno udejstvovanje ter versko oskrbo. Med njimi sta bila tudi Vladimir Balžalorsky ter njegova žena Vera Revjakin Balžalorsky, ki sta med odeško evakuacijo zapustila domovino ter z ladjo preko Črnega morja in nato preko Leskovca in Zemuna prispela vse do slovenskega ozemlja, do Kočevja. Diplomsko delo najprej predstavi širši kontekst ruske emigracije, nato pa se osredotoči na njuno zgodbo ter predvsem na to, kako sta se po selitvi znašla v novem okolju.

Keywords:Fridtjof Nansen, revolucija, državljanska vojna, ruska emigracija, begunci, družina Balžalorsky.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121258 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Russian refugees in slovenian area after the First world war: family Balžalorsky
In the context of a refugee question, the topical question in the period of the First World War and after, the biggest group formed Russian refugees, who emigrated because of the rise of bolshevism and the civil war that followed. Around forty thousand of them found their new home in a freshly established Kingdom of Serbians, Croats and Slovenes. There they had formed their own institutions, which took care of their health, essentials, cultural and religious life. Among them there was a married couple, Vladimir Balžalorsky and his wife Vera Revjakin Balžalorsky. They fled their homeland, went to the Kingdom SHS, and finally settled in Kočevje. This degree presents at first wider context of Russian emigration and then it focuses on the story of family Balžalorsky, especially how they managed to fit into a new environment.

Keywords:Fridtjof Nansen, revolution, civil war, Russian emigration, refugees, family Balžalorsky.

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