In my diploma thesis I first represent beginnings of Christianity, so that I can better explain what is pseudepigrapha. The term itself is representing all writings in between Old Testament and New Testament. Their continent is similar to Biblical stories, but they were never included into Biblical canon. Christians are using term apocrypha for this kind of writings. I choose to use Protestant term Pseudepigrapha, because it is generally known and used in most of my sources. Next, I described general features of Pseudepigrapha and I introduced the Bible story of Creation, which is described by Jahvist and Priestly source. These two narratives are introducing God as mighty Creator of all things. They emphasize equal status of man and woman even in their transgression.
Next, I describe features of Life of Adam and Eve, that are in two different versions: Greek and Latin. First, I am going to list some of the important parts of Latin Vita: the penitence narrative, Satan again deceives Eve, the Fall of Satan, Adam is taken up to heavenly Paradise, Adam's story of the Fall, Seth and Eve searching for the oil of the tree of mercy, the death and burial of Adam and Eve, Eve's instructions about the tablets. And here are some of the important parts found in Greek Apocalypse of Moses: Eve’s story of the Fall, that includes narrative of how Satan deceived the snake into helping him to make Adam and Eve be cast out of Paradise, and Adam's request to eat from the tree of life, a very detailed description of a ceremony on the day of Adam's death, how was his soul taken into third heaven and burial of Adam's body. Then I introduced the theological emphasis of both Vita and Apocalypse of Moses: a very negative introduction of Eve, her fault for the committed sin is much greater then Adam's, Satan's story of the Fall, realization of God's punishments, terrestrial Paradise and Heavenly Paradise, Adam and Eve's penitence, salvation through the fruit of tree of life and through the oil from the tree of mercy. Finally, I conclude with the comparison with Genesis 1–5.