
Laična prva pomoč pri penetrantnih poškodbah prsnega koša : diplomsko delo
ID Ujčič, Danijela (Author), ID Sotler, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prestor, Jože (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Prva pomoč, ki je največkrat nudena s strani laičnega prebivalstva, je zelo pomembna. Huda krvavitev in šok sta dva izmed zapletov penetrantnih poškodb prsnega koša. Za preprečitev le-teh so ukrepi na mestu dogodka pomembni in pripomorejo k uspešnosti nadaljnjega zdravljenja. Namen: Predstaviti želimo penetrantne poškodbe prsnega koša, simptome in znake, ki so vidni na samem mestu dogodka, pravilno oskrbo poškodb, položaj, v katerega namestimo poškodovanega ter kako ukrepati v primeru šoka. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda, s katero smo pregledali domačo in tujo znanstveno in strokovno literaturo. Elektronski viri so bili pridobljeni iz baz podatkov PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, Wiley Online Library, Cinahl, Cochrane Library in na portalu Dikul. Rezultati: Ob kritičnem pregledu literaturo nismo uspeli ugotoviti ali laiki poznajo postopke prve pomoči pri penetrantnih poškodbah prsnega koša, vendar pa smo pridobili celovit pregled nad poškodbami prsnega koša ter načinom nudenja prve pomoči v primeru nesreče. Razprava in zaključek: Prva pomoč, ki jo poškodovanec dobi takoj na kraju nesreče, je temeljna vez med življenjem in smrtjo. Raziskava, ki so jo pred štiriindvajsetimi leti opravili v Združenih državah Amerike je pokazala, da so penetrantne poškodbe glavni razlog za umrljivost mladih v večjih krajih. Oseba, ki je prva na kraju nesreče velikokrat ni prepričana vase, dvomi v svoje znanje, zato pogosto pomisli, da bo naredila več škode kot koristi pri poškodovanem. Za laika je pomembno, da na kraju nesreče pri poškodovancu poskrbi za lastno varnost, za zaustavljanje krvavitve, postavitev poškodovanca v pravilen položaj in za klic na 112. Od tu naprej bo dobil natančna navodila s strani dispečerja, za nadaljnjo oskrbo poškodovanca.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, prva pomoč, penetrantne poškodbe prsnega koša, laiki, šok, strelne rane
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Ujčič]
Number of pages:[41] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121190 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30677507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Nonprofessionals first aid at penetrating chest wound : diploma work
Introduction: First aid, most frequently given by the laic population, is very important. Laymen are often the first on the scene, the first to help and call emergency number 112. By doing so, they contribute to providing faster care, which increases the chances of survival. Massive haemorrhage and shock are two of the complications of penetrating chest traumas. In order to prevent them, it is important to act accordingly on the scene, increasing the success of future treatment. Purpose: We wish to present the penetrating chest trauma, the symptoms and signs on the scene, proper steps of caring for injuries, the position of the injured person and the steps required in case of shock. Work methods: The descriptive method was used to review domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature. Electronic sources were obtained from specialized databases, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, Wiley Online Library, Cinahl, Cochrane Library and DiKUL portal. Results: By reviewing the literature we did not determine whether or not the laymen are familiar with first aid procedures in cases of penetrating chest trauma; we did however obtain a comprehensive overview of chest injuries and the way to give first aid in case of accident. Discussion and conclusion: The first aid that the injured person receives on the scene is crucial for ensuring increased chances of survival. The research carried out twenty-four years ago in USA showed that penetrating injuries are the main cause of death of young population in larger areas. The first person on the scene is often not sure of themselves and doubts their knowledge, so they often think they will do more harm than good. It is important for a layperson to first ensure their own safety on the scene, to stop the bleeding, to place the injured person in a proper position and to call 112. From here on they will get accurate instructions by dispatcher and information on how to proceed to ensure subsequent care of the injured person. In many cases, however, it is the layperson that we should be grateful to for taking care of us and for making sure we get proper emergency assistance at the right time and at the right place.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, first aid, penetrating chest trauma, layperson, shock, gun wounds

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