
Analiza iskanja informacij pri pacientih z rakom v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
ID Jazbinšek, Anja (Author), ID Petrič, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobni bolniki, ki želijo biti informirani, ozaveščeni in aktivni v procesu zdravljenja, iščejo informacije preko različnih virov, internet pa je eden izmed ključnih. Namen tega diplomskega dela je bilo raziskati vedenje pri iskanju informacij pacientov z rakom v Sloveniji, s pomočjo sledečih raziskovalnih vprašanj: (1) kako pogosta je uporaba interneta za iskanje zdravstvenih informacij v primerjavi z drugimi viri; (2) katere tipe iskalcev zdravstvenih informacij je moč prepoznati glede na pogostost uporabe različnih virov informacij; (3) katere vrste informacij na tematiko raka različni tipi iskalcev zdravstvenih informacij iščejo na internetu in, (4) ali so socialno-demografske značilnosti bolnikov z rakom povezane s pogostostjo uporabe interneta za namene iskanja zdravstvenih informacij. Na podlagi statistične analize je bilo ugotovljeno, da slovenski bolniki z rakom kot vir informacij na prvo mesto še vedno postavljajo zdravnike in specialiste, na drugem mestu pa je internet. V največji meri preko interneta iščejo informacije o izkušnjah s potekom bolezni, o simptomih bolezni ter o načinih in procesih zdravljenja. Nehierarhično razvrščanje enot v skupine je nakazalo tri skupine: manj aktivne iskalce informacij, aktivne iskalce informacij pri vseh virih in aktivne iskalce informacij pri strokovnem medicinskem osebju in na internetu. Analiza socialno-demografske strukture slovenskih bolnikov z rakom, ki informacije o svoji bolezni iščejo na internetu, je nakazala, da sta starost in zaposlitveni status statistično značilno povezana s pogostostjo uporabe interneta za iskanje informacij o bolezni rak.

Keywords:aktivni pacient, zdravstvene informacije, informacijsko vedenje, pacienti z rakom, e-zdravje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Jazbinšek]
Number of pages:52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121100 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32931331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of Information-Seeking Among Cancer Patients in Slovenia
Modern patients who want to be informed, aware and active in the treatment process seek health information through various sources, and the internet is one of the key ones. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the information seeking behavior of cancer patients in Slovenia, based on the following research questions: (1) how common is the use of the Internet to search for health information compared to other sources; (2) which types of health information seekers can be identified according to the frequency of use of different sources of information; (3) what types of cancer information different types of health information seekers search for on the Internet; and (4) whether the socio-demographic characteristics of cancer patients are related to the frequency of Internet use for health information purposes. Based on a statistical analysis, it was found that Slovenian cancer patients still place doctors and specialists in the first place as a source of information, however the Internet falls into a close second place. Patients mostly search the Internet for information about experiences with the course of the disease, the symptoms of the disease, and the methods and processes of treatment. The non-hierarchical classification of units indicated three groups: less active information seekers, active information seekers from all sources, and active information seekers from professional medical staff and the Internet. An analysis of the socio-demographic structure of Slovenian cancer patients seeking information about their disease on the Internet indicated that age and employment status were statistically significantly related to the frequency of Internet use for searching for information on cancer.

Keywords:active patient, health information, information seeking behaviour, cancer patients, e-health

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