
Vpliv Walta Whitmana na slovensko poezijo
ID Rojs, Uršula (Author), ID Snoj, Vid (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z vplivom ameriškega pesnika Walta Whitmana na slovensko poezijo. Podrobni predstavitvi njegovega življenja sledi analiza poezije, najprej pesniških sredstev, s katerimi je naredil največji prelom s pesniško tradicijo, nato pa še tem, ki jih je vpeljal v pesništvo. Predmet obravnave so tista pesniška sredstva, ki Whitmana ločijo od predhodnikov in ki jih hkrati, ob analizi pesmi slovenskih avtorjev, lahko razumemo kot dokaz njegovega vpliva na slovensko poezijo. Na prvem mestu je to prosti verz. Posledica njegove uporabe je iskanje drugih pesniških sredstev, s katerimi pesnik ustvarja ritem: paralelizma, ponavljanja, naštevanja. Za Whitmanovo poezijo so značilne tudi mnoge apostrofe in osebni odnos do bralca. Temu sledi še analiza Whitmanovega jezika in rabe vrinjenih stavkov. Na ravni tem so izpostavljene tiste, ki so najbolj zaznamovale pesnikovo življenje; dotlej še niso bile vpete v pesniško tradicijo in so posebej značilne za Whitmanovo poezijo: mesto, delavstvo, suženjstvo, vojna, demokracija in telo ter spolnost. Raba naštetih tem pri slovenskih pesnikih razkriva poznavanje njegove poezije ali vsaj posreden vpliv, torej vpliv prek generacij pesnikov, ki jih je oblikoval. Temu sledita oris Whitmanove recepcije na Slovenskem in analiza njegovega vpliva na poezijo Otona Župančiča, Antona Podbevška, Andreja Brvarja, Esada Babačića in Uroša Zupana.

Keywords:slovenska poezija, literarni vplivi, ameriška poezija, Walt Whitman: Travne bilke
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121020 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of Walt Whitman on Slovenian poetry
This diploma deals with the influence of the American poet Walt Whitman on Slovenian poetry. A detailed presentation of his life is followed by an analysis of his poetry, firstly the poetic means by which he made the greatest break with from the poetic tradition, and then themes which he introduced into poetry. Chosen are those poetic means that differ him from his predecessors and with which he had the greatest influence on Slovene poetry. The free verse comes as first of those. The consequence of its use is the search for other poetic means with which the poet creates rhythm: parallelism, assonance, enumeration. His poetry is also characterized by many apostrophes and a personal attitude towards the reader. This is followed by an analysis of Whitman’s language and the use of interjections. At the level of topic analysis, I focus on those that have most marked the poet’s life; until then they had not been embedded in the poetic tradition and are particularly characteristic of Whitman’s poetry: the city, working class, slavery, war, democracy, the body and sexuality. The use of these topics by Slovene poets reveals the knowledge of his poetry or reveals at least an indirect influence, that is the influence through the generation that Whitman shaped. This is followed by an outline of Walt Whitman’s reception in Slovenia and an analysis of the influence on the poetry of Oton Župančič, Anton Podbevšek, Andrej Brvar, Esad Babačić and Uroš Zupan.

Keywords:Slovenian poetry, literal influences, American poetry, Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass

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