
Spomin na Petriček
ID Apat, Maja (Author), ID Jezernik, Božidar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava čas po drugi svetovni vojni. Osredotoča se na območje Celja, kjer je bilo po vojni otroško taborišče Petriček. Otroci so svoje starše izgubili med povojnimi poboji in otroštvo preživeli v omenjenem taborišču pod strogim in nasilnim režimom posameznikov. Delo predstavlja, kako se danes Petrička spominjata starejša in mlajša generacija. Za prvo skupino Celjanov je Petriček mesto druženja in zabave, saj je po vojni tam delovalo gostišče, poleg katerega so bili večje igrišče, smučarska skakalnica in prva trim steza v Celju. Za razliko od prve skupine se druga, tj. starejša generacija, Petrička spominja kot kraja, kjer so preživeli nasilno otroštvo. Diplomsko delo prikaže kolektivni spomin prebivalcev in predstavi spomenik na Teharjah, ki je povezan z dogajanjem na Petričku. S fotografijami in podatki oriše razvoj Petrička od druge svetovne vojne do danes, pri čemer upošteva in izpostavi tudi problematiko spomeniškega varstva objekta in njegovega današnjega stanja. Predstavi in analizira tudi poročanje medijev o povojnem dogajanju na Petričku.

Keywords:Petriček, spomin, otroško taborišče, druga svetovna vojna, območje Celja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121014 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The memory of Petriček
In her undergraduate thesis, author presents the time after the Second World War. She focuses on the area of Celje, where the Petriček, children's camp was located after the war. The children lost their parents during the post-war massacres and spent their childhood in the camp under a strict and violent regime of individuals. The work presents how the older and younger generations remember Petriček today. For the first group of Celje residents, Petriček is a place for socializing and entertainment, as after the war there was an inn here, in addition to which there was also a larger playground, a ski jump and the first trim track in Celje. Unlike the first group, the second one remember Petriček as a place where they spent a violent childhood. Author presents the collective memory of the inhabitants and also presents a monument in Teharje, which is connected with the events on Petriček. With photographs and data, she shows the development of Petriček from the Second World War until today, taking into account and highlighting the issue of monument protection of the building and its current condition. She also presents and analyses media reports on events in Petriček after the war.

Keywords:Petriček, memory, children's camp, World War II, Celje area

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