The researched succession of the Amphiclina beds, which were deposited in the Slovenian Basin at the begginig of Upper Triassic, in Carnian period is located on Martinj vrh (locally also Kovaški vrh) between Železniki and Zali Log. The area belongs to Škofja Loka hills, which are part of the westrn Prealpine hills. There hasn't been published much sedimenological analyzes on the Amphiclina beds. The area of the studied section is located within the Podmelec Nappe, which is part of the larger Tolmin Nappe. The Tolmin Nappe is part of the Southern Alps, which were thrusted above External Dinarides during Miocene epoch. Tolmin Nappe consits of beds that were deposited in deep-sea environment known as Slovenian Basin. The beds were deposited from the end of the Middle Triassic until the end of Cretaceous. This research paper describes in detail 20 meters thick within the formation of upper Carnian Amphiclina beds. The sedimentological charasteristions of researched sequence were determined from the macroscopical and microscopical point of view. In the section there are exchanging clastic and carbonate rocks. Deposited beds show that they were deposited by gravity flows such as turbidity and debris currents. Slumps (synsedimentary slip) and synsedimentary faults are also present. The facies association is characterized by sedimentation at the foot of the slope. With microfacial analysis, there were identified seven microfacies. The theisis provides the corellation of successions which were deposited on the south-located Dinaric platform and were presedimented in to Slovenian Basin. Within microfacial groups there were determined diagenetic processes which took place during and after sedimentation. They took place in the following order: micritization, silicification and carbonation, compaction, dolomitization and dedolomitization.