
Refleksije trajnostne mode v visoki moderni : magistrsko delo
ID Kaplan, Pia (Author), ID Pušnik, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Potrošnja v družbi visoke moderne predstavlja sredstvo, ki nam pomaga oblikovati naše družbene in lastne identitete in stoji za vzpostavljanje razlik do drugih. Med vsemi ustanovami sodobnega potrošništva prav moda predstavlja najpomembnejšo, saj skozi njo iščemo izkušnje, ki si jih ustvarimo s sanjarjenjem in fantaziranjem. Kljub temu, da se sooča z velikimi ekološkimi in socialnimi izzivi, hitra moda učinkovito zadovoljuje potrebo sodobnega posameznika po nakupovanju novosti. Kot poskus rešitve se skuša uveljaviti »trajnostna moda«, ki v modno industrijo vključuje koncepte ekološke in socialne odgovornosti. Na podlagi teoretskih izhodišč in s pomočjo kvalitativne analize, magistrsko delo odgovarja na raziskovalna vprašanja o tem, kaj preprečuje sistemu mode, da bi bil trajnejši, katere strategije trajnostne mode imajo potencial, da bi lahko nadomestile hitro modo, in v kolikšni meri smo potrošniki oblačil refleksivni v svojih nakupih. Analiza fokusne skupine s sedmimi mladimi sogovorniki in treh globinskih polstrukturiranih intervjujev s predstavnicami trajnostnih modnih praks nam je pokazala, da smo kot potrošniki do neke mere vseeno refleksivni pri svojih nakupih. Prav mladi so tisti, ki se pogosteje odločajo za prakse trajnostne mode in opravljajo zavednejše nakupe. Želijo si več priročnih rešitev za posluževanje trajnostnih modnih praks. Kljub temu, da so take prakse dobra rešitev na osebni ravni, pa bi bilo za učinkovito zaprtje zanke v modni industriji potrebno sledenje krožni ekonomiji na kolektivni ravni. Cilj naloge je pridobitev smernic trenda trajnostne mode, prav tako pa sem v delu želela nakazati vsaj delne rešitve oziroma usmeritve, kako modo v prihodnosti narediti trajnejšo.

Keywords:hitra moda, trajnostne modne prakse, visoka moderna, potrošništvo, krožna ekonomija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Kaplan]
Number of pages:121 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120884 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32549635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Reflexions of sustainable fashion in late modernity
Consumption in a society of late modernity helps to form our social and personal identities as well as differentiate ourselves from others. Among all of the institutions of contemporary consumerism, fashion is the most important because through it we seek experiences which we fantasize and daydream about. Despite facing enormous ecological and social challenges, fast fashion effectively satisfies the desire of consumers to buy new goods more efficiently. As an attempt to make the fashion industry more in line with ecological and social responsibility sustainable fashion is being implemented. Based on theoretical and empirical data, this master's thesis answers questions about what prevents the fashion industry from being more sustainable, which strategies of sustainable fashion have the potential to substitute fast fashion, and how much are fashion consumers reflective in their purchases. An analysis of a focus group with seven young adult participants and three half-structured in-depth interviews with sustainable fashion representatives, shows us that as consumers, we are at some level already reflective in our shopping habits, and that young adults are more inclined to participate in sustainable fashion practices. The participants expressed their desire for more useful solutions for sustainable fashion. Even though practices of sustainable fashion can be an effective solution on a personal level, successfully closing the loop in fashion production would need to follow a circular economy model on a collective level. The aim of this thesis is to outline the trends in the sustainable fashion industry, and to suggest how fashion could become more sustainable in the future.

Keywords:fast fashion, sustainable fashion practices, late modernity, consumerism, circular economy

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