
Načrtovanje površin za mirujoči promet : magistrsko delo št.: 160/II. GR
ID Kuhar, Matic (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem preveril razvoj in trenutno veljavno zakonodajo v Sloveniji, Nemčiji in ZDA na področju urejanja površin za mirujoči promet. Dimenzije in različne možnosti za izvedbo parkirnih mest sem na med seboj primerjal in pokomentiral. Glede na pridobljene podatke, izkušnje iz projektiranja in same vožnje vozila, sem pripravil predlog za pravilnik ali tehnično smernico, ki bi bil aktualen za Slovenijo. Nato sem si izbral tri obstoječa parkirna mesta v Ljubljani: manjše, srednje in veliko. Najprej sem s programskim orodjem AutoCAD zrisal in prikazal obstoječa parkirna mesta po trenutno veljavni zakonodaji. Nato sem ta ista parkirišča preuredil po svojem predlogu za urejanje površin za mirujoči promet. Po preureditvi obstoječih parkirnih mest sem rezultate, ki sem jih dobil, prikazal z grafi. Kot sem predpostavljal, se je zaradi povečanja dimenzij parkirnih mest zmanjšalo končno število parkirnih mest in bi posledično za enako število parkirnih mest potrebovali večjo površino.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, GR, parkirišče, parkirna mesta, pravokotno, vzdolžno in poševno parkiranje, pravilniki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kuhar]
Number of pages:X, 62 str., 3 zgan. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120749 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37787395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Planning of stationary traffic areas : master thesis no.: 160/II. GR
In my master's thesis, I researched the development and current legislation in the field of landscaping for stationary traffic for Slovenia, Germany and the USA. I compared and commented on the dimensions and different possibilities for the construction of parking spaces. Based on the obtained data, design experience and the experience of driving itself, I prepared a proposal for a rule or a technical guideline that would be relevant for Slovenia. Then I chose three existing parking spaces in Ljubljana: small, medium and large. First, I used the AutoCAD software tool to draw and display the existing parking spaces, according to the current legislation. Later on, I rearranged these same parking lots according to my proposal for arranging areas for stationary traffic. After rearranging the existing parking spaces, I showed the results I got with graphs. As I assumed, due to the increase in the dimensions of the parking spaces, the final number of parking spaces was reduced and consequently, a larger area would be needed for the same number of parking spaces.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, parking, parking spaces, rectangular, longitudinal and oblique parking, rules

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