
Prevod in medkulturna prilagoditev vprašalnika PRISMA-7 v slovenski jezik : diplomsko delo
ID Palčič, Matic (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Levec, Tina (Comentor), ID Hlebš, Sonja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pomembnost pojma krhkosti je v zadnjih letih zelo narasla zaradi potrebe po boljšem razumevanju zdravja, funkcijskih sposobnosti starejših odraslih in preprečevanju ali odložitvi nastopa nezmožnosti in njenih posledic. Med raziskovalci še ni soglasja glede opredelitve krhkosti. Pravočasno ugotavljanje krhkosti pri starejših odraslih je ključnega pomena, saj lahko tako preprečimo oziroma zmanjšamo možnost razvoja najpogostejših nenadnih in nepričakovanih sprememb, kot so povečano tveganje za padce, delirij in nepremičnost. Težave pri zgodnji prepoznavi krhkosti, s katerimi so se raziskovalci srečevali v preteklosti, v zadnjih letih rešujejo z razvojem številnih presejalnih orodij. Da bi omogočili zanesljivo, veljavno in izvedljivo odkrivanje krhkih starejših odraslih, je potrebno preprosto in nezamudno merilno orodje za ocenjevanje. PRISMA-7 je kratko in enostavno merilno orodje, ki se uporablja za prepoznavanje starejših odraslih s pomembnim funkcijskim upadom. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je prevod in medkulturna priredba vprašalnika Prisma-7 iz angleškega v slovenski jezik za uporabo v slovenskem okolju. Metode dela: Pri prevodu vprašalnika smo sledili smernicam in standardom, ki jih priporoča Translation and Cultural Adaptation group. Priporočene postopke smo v procesu prevoda vprašalnika strnili v tri korake. Preiskovanci so v raziskavi s pomočjo dodatnega vprašalnika ocenjevali razumljivost, enostavnost, jedrnatost in časovno sprejemljivost vprašalnika. Preiskovalci pa so ocenjevali še ustrezno zaporednost vprašanj, uporabnost in časovno sprejemljivost izračunavanja rezultatov. Oboji so zapisali tudi čas izpolnjevanja vprašalnika. Rezultati: Preiskovanci so najbolje ocenili razumljivost in časovno sprejemljivost vprašalnika s povprečno oceno 5,0/5,0. Sledila je enostavnost s povprečno oceno 4,9/5,0 in na koncu še jedrnatost s povprečno oceno 4,7/5,0. Za izpolnjevanje so porabili povprečno 60,5 sekund. Preiskovalci so najbolje ocenili jedrnatost s povprečno oceno 5,0/5,0, sledila je enostavnost povprečno oceno 4,8/5,0, razumljivost s povprečno oceno 4,6/5,0, ustrezna zaporednost vprašanj s povprečno oceno 4,4/5,0, uporabnost s povprečno oceno 4,2/5,0 in na koncu še časovna sprejemljivost izračunavanja rezultatov s povprečno oceno 3,8/5,0. Za izpolnjevanje so porabili povprečno 123,6 sekund. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je vprašalnik za preiskovance razumljiv in enostaven, preiskovalci pa so ga ocenili kot ustrezen inštrument za prvo oceno krhkosti starostnikov in potreb po nadaljnji obravnavi. V prihodnje bi bilo potrebno izvesti raziskave z večjim vzorcem sodelujočih.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, krhkost, starejši odrasli, presejalna orodja, vprašalnik PRISMA-7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Palčič]
Number of pages:25 str., [12] str. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120740 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29766915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of PRISMA-7 questionnaire into Slovenian language : diploma work
Introduction: Frailty as a distinct clinical syndrome gains in awareness as the need for better understanding of health and declined functional abilities of the elderly. There is, as yet, no clear consensus on the definition of frailty, which sometimes makes it difficult to diagnose and determine the development and severity of the condition. Early identification and intervention can potentially decrease or reverse frailty, and prevent sudden and unexpected adverse health outcomes, including falls, worsening mobility, ADL disability, delirium, institutionalisation, hospitalisation and death. For this purpose, multiple screening instruments have been developed and validated for use in clinical practice, among which PRISMA-7 is recommended as a simple, reliable, validated, accurate, sensitive and little time-consuming tool for early detection of frailty and significant functional decline. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is the translation and cultural adaptation of the original (English) version of the PRISMA-7 questionnaire into Slovene as a safe and efficient screening test which qualified for use in our primary care and clinical settings. Methods: The translation process followed the recommendations and instructions of the Translation and Cultural Adaptation Group. We adhered to the recommended translation procedure which was conducted in three steps. The study participants used an additional questionnaire to assess the understandability, simplicity, conciseness, and the acceptable time to complete the questionnaire. Additionally, the researchers evaluated the adequacy of the sequence of questions, usefulness and time necessary for data collection. Both groups reported the amount of time they spent on filling in the questionnaire. Results: The highest average score accorded to the questionnaire by the study participants were its understandability and the adequacy of time necessary for its completion (5.0/5.0), followed by the simplicity (4.9/5.0) and conciseness (4.7/5.0). The average time the study participants spent on completion of the questionnaire was 60.5 seconds. The highest average score accorded to the questionnaire by the researchers was its conciseness (5.0/5.0), followed by the simplicity (4.8/5.0), understandability (4.6/5.0) and adequate sequence of questions (4.4/5.0), usefulness (4.2/5.0), and appropriate time for completion of the questionnaire (3.8/5.0). The average time the researchers spent on data collection of the questionnaire results was 123.6 seconds. Discussion and conclusion: Results of the study show that the questionnaire is understandable and simple for the study participants. In view of the researchers, the PRISMA-7 can be employed as a valid screening instrument in the identification of pre-frail and frail elderly as part of routine clinical practice. On this basis, subsequent interventions with appropriate goal-directed care can potentially decrease or reverse frailty, especially in the early stages. Further research is, however, recommended on a larger sample of participants.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, frailty, elderly, screening tools, PRISMA-7 questionnaire

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