
Vloga priprav pri oblikovanju motivacije za mednarodne operacije in misije po Battistellijevi tipologiji : diplomsko delo
ID Kos, Urška (Author), ID Vuga Beršnak, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za udeležbo na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah je potrebna motivacija pripadnikov in pripadnic vojaške organizacije, ki se tekom operacije lahko spreminja. Oborožene sile danes na mednarodne operacije in misije pošiljajo pripadnike/-ice, ki so dobro usposobljeni in visoko motivirani, zato so poleg osnovnega vojaškega usposabljanja pomembne tudi psihološke, kulturne in obveščevalno-varnostne priprave. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstavitev virov motivacije in njihovega pomena za udeležbo na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah ter opredelitev pomena priprav. Z metodo polstrukturiranega intervjuja bom ugotavljala, kakšni so bili viri motivacije in kako se je spreminjala med mednarodno operacijo in misijo pri pripadniku Slovenske vojske. V nadaljevanju bom opredelila pomen psiholoških priprav ter možne pomanjkljivosti in njihovo skladnost s potekom mednarodne operacije in misije. Primerjalna analiza literature in virov ter izsledki intervjuja kažejo, da se viri motivacije spreminjajo v različnih življenjskih obdobjih. Mlade v večji meri motivira avanturizem ali spoznavanje novega, medtem ko starejše po več napotitvah na mednarodne operacije in misije motivirajo predvsem finančni viri. Ob tem ugotavljam tudi, da je pomemben dejavnik motivacije družina in da so priprave izrednega pomena, saj prispevajo k boljši usposobljenosti, delovanju in vključevanju pripadnikov/-ic v okolje mednarodne operacije in misije.

Keywords:oborožene sile, psihološke priprave, motivacija, mednarodne operacije in misije.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Kos]
Number of pages:58 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120728 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31940099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The role of preparations in creating motivation for international operations and missions according to Battistelli's typology
Participation in international operations and missions requires the motivation of members of the military organization, which may change during the operation. Today, the armed forces are sending well-trained and highly motivated members to international operations and missions, so they place great emphasis on preparations which, in addition to basic military training, include psychological, cultural and security intelligence preparations. This thesis aims to present the sources of motivation and its importance for participation in international operations and missions and to define the importance of preparations. The purpose of the semi-structured interview method is to determine the sources of motivation and its possible fluctuations during the operation of a member of the Slovenian Armed Forces and to define the importance of preparations, their possible shortcomings, and compliance with the course of the international operation. A comparative analysis of the literature, sources and the results of the interview shows that the sources of motivation change at different stages of life. Young people are more motivated by adventurism or learning new things, while elderly people, after several referrals to international operations and missions, are motivated mainly by money. I also note that family is an important motivating factor, and that the preparations are extremely important, as they contribute to better training, operation and integration of members in the environment of the international operation and mission.

Keywords:armed forces, psychological preparations, motivation, international operations and missions.

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