
Vpliv ekonomske integracije na podeljevanje uradne razvojne pomoči : magistrsko delo
ID Petkovšek, Teja (Author), ID Arbeiter, Jana (Comentor)

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Uradna razvojna pomoč (Official Development Aid – ODA) je eden od instrumentov mednarodnega razvojnega sodelovanja (MRS), namenjenih spodbujanju razvoja držav v razvoju. Tako kot je ODA pomemben vir zunanjega prihodka za države v razvoju, je za gospodarsko rast teh držav pomembna tudi njihova vključenost v mednarodne trgovinske tokove in ekonomske integracije. Povezava med ODA in ekonomsko integracijo pa ni samoumevna, saj je ODA načeloma usmerjena proti najrevnejšim državam sveta, ki pa običajno niso zanimive trgovinske partnerice razvitim državam donatorkam. Cilj naloge je proučiti odnos med tokovi ODA in sklenitvijo regionalnih trgovinskih sporazumov in ugotoviti, kako sklenitev takega sporazuma vpliva na dodeljevanje ODA. S tem naloga doprinaša k literaturi na temo alokacije ODA, obnašanja držav donatork ter k povezavi med ODA in mednarodno trgovino. Glavna uporabljena metoda je empirična analiza z uporabo multiple regresije, s katero je analiziran obseg tokov ODA na vzorcu 48 držav donatork in 182 prejemnic v obdobju 1993–2017. Ker na področju MRS sodelujejo tako države članice kot države nečlanice Odbora za razvojno pomoč (Development Assistance Committee – DAC) pod okriljem Organizacije za gospodarsko sodelovanje, tej delitvi sledi tudi magistrska naloga in skupini držav med seboj primerja. Rezultati regresije so pokazali, da sta instrumenta ODA in regionalni trgovinski sporazum s strani držav članic DAC uporabljena substitucijsko, s strani nečlanic pa komplementarno. Na ta način naloga, poleg potrditve povezanosti med ODA in trgovinskimi sporazumi, prinaša tudi spoznanje, da se vzorci podeljevanja ODA razlikujejo med članicami in nečlanicami DAC.

Keywords:uradna razvojna pomoč, mednarodno razvojno sodelovanje, ekonomska integracija, regionalni trgovinski sporazumi, nove države donatorke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Petkovšek]
Number of pages:92 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120725 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30822915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of economic integration on the allocation of official development aid
Official Development aid (ODA) is one of the instruments of international development cooperation, dedicated to the promotion of development of the developing countries in the international community. Besides ODA, which is an important external source of income for those countries, inclusion in international trade flows and economic integration is vital for their economic growth. The purpose of this master thesis is to study the relationship between ODA and conclusion of regional trade agreements, more precisely, to study how the conclusion of such agreements affects the scope of ODA. The thesis adds to current literature of ODA, its allocation, motivation of donors and ODA-trade link. The main method used is empirical analysis, using multiple regression, which analyses the scope of ODA on the sample of 48 donors and 182 recipients in the period 1993–2017. Since the field of international development cooperation is divided to members and non-members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), a body within the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the thesis follows the same divide and compares the allocation of both groups of countries. The results have shown that members of DAC use ODA and regional trade agreements as substitutes, while non-members use them complementary. Besides confirming the link between ODA and trade agreements, thesis confirms also that patterns of ODA allocation differs between members and non-members of DAC.

Keywords:official development aid, international development cooperation, economic integration, regional trade agreements, new donors

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