
Norme in pravila na pokopališču kot svetem prostoru v Mirni Peči
ID Marn Eržen, Maruša (Author), ID Habinc, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo v ospredje postavlja vprašanje, kdo so določevalci pravil in norm na pokopališču kot svetem prostoru v Mirni Peči in kakšen je odnos prebivalcev Mirne Peči in župnikov, ki so na tak ali drugačen način povezani s krajem, do pravil in norm, ki naj bi se na pokopališču izvrševale. Na začetku diplomskega dela je prikazana metodologija in sogovorniki, predstavljen je kraj Mirna Peč in temeljni pojmi ter koncepti. V diplomskem delu predstavim tudi določevalce pravil in norm na pokopališču, torej v tem primeru državo kot določevalko norm in tradicionalne avtoritete, ki določajo pravila in norme. Predstavim tudi mnenja in odnos Mirnopečanov do pravil in norm, ki se ali pa se ne izvršujejo na pokopališču, ter dejanski odnos Mirnopečanov do pravil in norm, do katerega sem prišla z metodo opazovanja z udeležbo. V diplomskem delu želim prikazati tudi odnos do tradicije prenašanja sveč na cvinger oz. pokopališki zid skozi percepcijo župnikov in prebivalcev Mirne Peči ter njihov pogled na kršenje ali nekršenje pravil in norm, ki se pojavljajo pri tej praksi.

Keywords:norme, pokopališče, Mirna Peč, tradicija, svetost, tabuji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120714 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Norms and rules on the cemetery as a holy place in Mirna Peč
The central question of this bachelor’s degree is about the setters of rules and norms on the cemetery as a holy place in Mirna Peč and the attitude of its residents and priests toward the rules and norms that apply to the local cemetery. The first part of the degree is dedicated to the explanation of the methodology used, the introduction of the interviewees, a presentation of the town of Mirna Peč and an explanation of crucial concepts and terminology used throughout the work. In the next section I present the rulemakers, namely the state, and traditional authorities that set rules and norms on cemeteries. I also present the opinion and behaviour of the residents of Mirna Peč in relation to the rules and norms that are (not) being complied to and the actual state of their behaviour, which I will present as a result of the method of participant observation. In the degree I will also show the attitude towards the Candles on the wall (Sveče na cvinger) tradition through the eyes of the residents and priests of Mirna Peč and their view of whether rules and norms are being broken with this activity.

Keywords:norms, cemetery, graveyard, Mirna Peč, tradition, sacred, taboo

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