
Vpetost novomeške tržnice v lokalno okolje
ID Hudoklin, Nuša (Author), ID Potočnik Slavič, Irma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bartulović, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali umeščenost novomeške mestne tržnice v lokalno okolje in ugotovili, da njen pomen ni zanemarljiv. S spletnim vprašalnikom (N = 209) smo analizirali povezave med tržnico in prebivalci Mestne občine Novo mesto ter preostalimi obiskovalci, ki večinoma prihajajo z območja Dolenjske in Bele krajine. 61 % anketiranih »lokalno« pridelano hrano razume kot hrano, pridelano znotraj regije. Povezave z lokalnim prebivalstvom smo ovrednotili kot dobre, saj 97 % anketiranih pozna mestno tržnico, od tega jo je 65 % že obiskalo. S pomočjo intervjujev (N = 4) smo predstavili pogled ponudnikov na delovanje mestne tržnice in izpostavili projekt Novomeške tržnice na Glavnem trgu. Omenjen projekt poteka neodvisno od mestne tržnice, vendar ga prepoznavamo kot primer dobre prakse, saj nakazuje pravo pot za mestno tržnico, da bi v prihodnje omogočala vzporedno dogajanje in sodelovanja. V nalogi smo se osredotočili na živilski del tržnice z lokalno pridelano hrano; rednih ponudnikov je bilo čez leto pet (vsi iz okoliških občin), poleti pa so svoje presežke prodajale še tri branjevke (vse iz Novega mesta). Na podlagi skromnega števila ponudnikov predpostavljamo, da je mestna tržnica v Novem mestu, kljub velikemu zaledju, slabo vpeta v kmetijsko okolje. Tržnico smo vrednotili kot socialni prostor, ki povezuje mesto in podeželje ter kjer se prepletajo različne družbene funkcije. Na podlagi rezultatov anketnega vprašalnika, intervjuja in opazovanja z udeležbo smo prepoznali potenciale za prihodnji razvoj tržnice in še močnejšo vpetost v lokalno okolje.

Keywords:mestna tržnica, tržnice, lokalno pridelana hrana, razvoj podeželja, kratke prehranske verige, Novomeška tržnica, živilski trg, covid-19
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120712 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Title:Integration of the Novo mesto Farmers' Market into the Local Environment
The diploma thesis discusses the integration of the Novo mesto Farmers’ Market into the local environment, whereby it was determined that its relevance is not negligible. By means of an online questionnaire (N = 209), we analysed connections between the market, the residents of the Municipality of Novo mesto and other visitors who usually come from the Dolenjska and Bela krajina regions. Some 61 per cent of the respondents consider the food produced “locally” as food produced within the region. The connections with the local population were assessed as good since 97 per cent of the respondents were familiar with the market, and 65 per cent had already visited it. Based on the interviews conducted (N = 4), the providers’ outlook on the operations of the market was drafted, and the project of the seasonal market in the Main Square was highlighted. The relevant project takes place independently of the market, but has been recognised as an example of good practice since it indicates the right direction for the market to take in the future to enable the organisation of events and cooperation. The thesis also focuses on the offer of locally produced food at the market. Throughout the year, there were five regular providers (who all came from the neighbouring municipalities), while additional three traders (all from Novo mesto) sold their surplus produce in the summer. Due to the small number of providers, it is assumed that the Novo mesto Farmers’ Market is poorly integrated in the agricultural environment despite its large hinterland. The market was assessed as a social venue integrating the town and rural areas, and a place where various social functions intertwine. As per the results of the questionnaire, interviews and participant observation, the potential for the market’s further development and its enhanced integration into the local environment was recognised.

Keywords:market, marketplaces, locally produced food, rural development, short food chains, the Novo mesto Farmers’ Market, food market, COVID-19

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