
Naučena nemoč in depresivnost pri mladostnikih : magistrsko delo
ID Jehart, Daša (Author), ID Fekonja, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Komidar, Luka (Comentor)

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Depresivna stanja in vedenja naučene nemoči so lahko pri mladostnikih in mladostnicah bolj ali manj izrazita in imajo različen vpliv na njihova čustva, misli, vedenje, odnose z drugimi ter akademsko uspešnost. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti razlike v doživljanju naučene nemoči in depresivnosti glede na spol ter učno uspešnost mladostnikov, v sklopu depresivnosti pa tudi glede na to, ali so mladostniki samski ali v romantičnem razmerju. Prav tako smo preučili povezanost med naučeno nemočjo in depresivnostjo ter pri katerih šolskih predmetih se mladostniki počutijo najbolj nemočne. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 297 dijakov in dijakinj, starih med 16 in 18 let. Za ocenjevanje depresivnosti smo uporabili Lestvico depresivnosti (CES-D), naučeno nemoč pa smo ocenili s prirejenim Vprašalnikom odpornosti na naučeno nemoč (CCQ). Rezultati so pokazali, da obstaja statistično značilen pozitiven odnos med depresivnostjo in naučeno nemočjo pri mladostnikih. Mladostnice v večji meri poročajo o simptomih depresivnosti in vedenjih naučene nemoči kot mladostniki, učno bolj uspešni mladostniki in mladostnice izražajo nižjo raven depresivnosti kot učno neuspešni, medtem ko se mladostniki glede na stan (samski ali v romantičnem razmerju) ne razlikujejo pomembno v doživljanju simptomov depresivnosti. Učno neuspešni mladostniki so v povprečju izražali več naučene nemoči kot učno uspešni mladostniki, medtem ko je pri mladostnicah učinek učnega uspeha ravno obraten, saj so učno uspešne mladostnice poročale o višji ravni naučene nemoči kot učno neuspešne. Obenem so rezultati pokazali, da mladostniki in mladostnice največ naučene nemoči doživljajo pri slovenščini, fiziki in matematiki, sledijo jim nemščina, kemija, biologija in angleščina. Najmanj nemočne pa se počutijo pri glasbi, zgodovini, športni vzgoji, likovni vzgoji in geografiji.

Keywords:mladostniki, naučena nemoč, depresivnost, razlike med spoloma, učni uspeh
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Jehart]
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120667 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:60557827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Learned helplessness and depression in adolescents
Symptoms of depression and the individual expression of learned helplessness can differ between adolescents and have a varying impact on their emotions, thoughts, behaviour, relationships, and academic achievement. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of gender and academic achievement on depression and learned helplessness, and how being in a romantic relationship affects the degree of expression of depressive symptoms. We examined the relationship between depression and learned helplessness, and which school subjects induce most helplessness in adolescents. Two questionnaires (Coping Competence Questionnaire (CCQ) and The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)) were administered to a sample of 297 students, aged between 16 and 18 years. The results showed a significant positive relationship between depression and learned helplessness. We found that girls suffer more frequently from depressive symptoms and learned helplessness than boys, while adolescents with higher school grades are less depressed than academically unsuccessful adolescents. Adolescents in relationships do not differ in reporting about symptoms of depression from those who are single. Boys with lower grades experience helplessness more often than academically more successful boys while the opposite is true for girls. Girls with higher grades exhibit more learned helplessness than academically unsuccessful girls. Further results showed that adolescents feel the most helpless at Slovenian, physics and mathematics, followed by German, chemistry, biology and English. They feel the least helpless at music, history, sport, art and geography.

Keywords:adolescents, learned helplessness, depression, gender differences, academic achievement

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