
Pogled socialnih pedagogov na reflektiranje lastne prakse v osnovni šoli
ID Šket, Klaudija (Author), ID Prosen, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati, kako socialne pedagoginje, zaposlene v svetovalni službi v osnovni šoli, reflektirajo lastno prakso ter kaj jim refleksija pomeni. Teoretični del magistrskega dela predstavi različne načine izvajanja refleksije, pomembne vidike izobraževanja o procesu reflektiranja, elemente refleksivnega razmišljanja ter dejavnosti in osnovna področja dela svetovalne službe. Empirični del je zasnovan kvalitativno. Vzorec je sestavljen iz šestih svetovalnih delavk – socialnih pedagoginj, s katerimi so bili opravljeni polstrukturirani intervjuji. Podatki so vsebinsko analizirani in rezultati kažejo, da socialne pedagoginje reflektirajo na različne načine, ki vključujejo skupinsko ter individualno refleksijo. Skupinsko reflektiranje izvajajo skupaj s sodelavci, v strokovnem aktivu ali sošolkami iz študijskih let, medtem ko individualno reflektirajo na podlagi beležk, v katerih si zapišejo svoja opažanja ali ugotovitve, ki izhajajo iz pogovora s sodelavcem. Reflektiranje jim prinaša občutke razbremenitve, prav tako se s pomočjo refleksije izkustveno učijo ter jo uporabljajo kot metodo lastnega profesionalnega razvoja. V svoj razmislek zajamejo področja dela svetovalne službe, razen dela z zunanjimi institucijami. Vsebino refleksije predstavlja tudi razmislek o lastnih vrednotah, kompetencah ter strahovih. Vse sogovornice so se o načinu izvajanja refleksije poučile v času študija socialne pedagogike. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da ima pri omogočanju refleksije v šoli največjo vlogo ravnatelj ter da si večina šol, na katerih so zaposlene, prizadeva za razvoj šole kot učeče se skupnosti. Sogovornice izpostavljajo željo po superviziji, ki jim v okviru šole ni omogočena.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120661 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29301763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Social pedagogues' views on the reflection of their own practice in primary school
The purpose of this master thesis was to find out how social pedagogues, who work in primary school counselling service, reflect their own working practice and what the reflection means to them. In theoretical part we present different methods of reflection practicing, important aspects of learning about the process of reflection, the elements of reflective thinking and activities as well as the main areas of school counselling service. The empirical part is based on qualitative approach. The sample consisted of six counselling workers – social pedagogues, with whom semi – structured interviews were made. The results of content data analysis have shown that social pedagogues reflect in different ways, including group as well as individual reflection. They do group reflection with their co – workers, within professional teams or they talk to their former academy classmates whereas individual reflection is based on the observations and findings which appear within the conversation with a co – worker and is written down in their notebooks. The reflection enables them a relief, experimental learning and is also used as a method of one's own personal professional development. They cover the areas of work of school counselling service, apart from work with external institutions. The content of reflection also includes thinking of one's own virtues, competences and fears. All interviewees have gained the knowledge on different ways of reflection practicing during the process of social pedagogy study. The results have also shown the role of head teacher as the most important in enabling reflection in school. The majority of schools where they work strives to develop the school as a learning community. The interlocutors point out the desire for supervision, which is not provided to them within the school.


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