The paper tries to describe the structural changes of sovereign power and its other side – pleasure. If before modernity sovereign power was operating in its referencing to its own inherent emptiness and was as such operating in a transcedental frame, modernity takes this emptiness »head on«, with which it permutates the logic of sovereign power and immanentizes it. In this immanentization however sovereignity still operates in its emptiness because of which it is governed by its renmant abject – an immanent transcedence as Roberto Esposito puts it. Leaning on theoretical psychoanalysis and the works of Eric Santner, the paper tries to follow the outline of sovereign power in the works of Ernst Kantorowicz and the the analysis of biopolitics in the works of Michel Foucault and modern authors that tried to think the present power through biopolitics. Even though modernitiy and its analysis historically expands over a longer period and is primarily a conceptual definition, the paper focuses on twentieth century, when the modern abject of immanent transcedence beocmes more evident, especially in the delirium of Daniel Paul Schreber, who inavgurates the twentieth century. Even if there is always a disparity between theory and concrete historicaly analysis, the paper tries to define how modern soverignity was reflected during states of exception of first world war and how the first world war infuenced the normalization of this power. Concretely it tries to show this in the case of internation during the world war and tries to follow moments of consolidation of nation state in the case of Austri-Hungary.