The thesis discusses visitation to the forested areas in the Municipality of Železniki in the period between 1994 and 2020. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the number of visitors per day at seven different locations and compare the data for the years 1994 and 2020 in order to research the changes in visitation numbers and their impact on the forested area over the years. Visitation data was analysed to determine whether the number of visitors had risen in the study period and whether any changes were observed in the visitors' recreational habits. The research showed an increase in the number of visitors per day, indicating that forest recreation is increasing in popularity. According to the study, nowadays people prefer go to the forest alone whereas in the past more forest visitors were families. The infrastructure modifications carried out between 1994 and 2020 have also affected the mode of recreation. The share of walkers, runners, cyclists, motorbikers and quad riders has grown. We conclude that the data on forest landscape visitation in the Municipality of Železniki will contribute to better forest management and will positively affect the production of GGN and other projects related to recreation in the Municipality of Železniki.