Family in Slovenia represents the foundation of society, meanwhile the child is the most valuable subject of family law, and that is why it must warrant his safety to the best of their ability. The family law reform represents one of the most significant steps taken by the slovenian legislation, mainly because of the jurisdiction handover from the social work centers to the courts. The purpose of the thesis is to study family law and its fundamental concepts. We also aim to present the institutes introduced by the Family code. While writing the thesis, we used the compilation method, with which we summarized quotations and the standpoints of other authors, and the method of description, where we described the basic terms of family law and the institutions of the Family code. Additionally we used a comparative method that was meant for comparing analyzes of court and social work centre jurisdictions. Based on the complete thesis, we have come to the conclusion, that the family legislation reform and the changes which it has brought, ensure a more successful and efficient protection of child interests. As part of the research, we also discovered, that the professional-advisory and support role of the social work centers represents an immensely important role in decision-making of the court and can replace the need for forensic experts.