
Suše v kmetijstvu zaradi globalnih sprememb podnebja
ID Brvar, Tibor (Author), ID Črepinšek, Zalika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kmetijstvo je vrsta dejavnosti, ki je zelo odvisna od vremenskih in klimatskih razmer, saj se v veliki meri odvija na prostem. Od vremenskih dejavnikov imajo največji vpliv temperature in padavine ter ekstremni vremenski dogodki, med katere prištevamo tudi kmetijsko sušo. Označuje se jo kot obdobje, ko imamo nezadostno količino vode v tleh, ki jo kmetijske rastline potrebujejo za normalen razvoj. Kmetijska suša je postala globalen problem, saj v svoji obsežnosti ovira prehransko varnost držav. Zajema vse države sveta in je občutno prisotna na 30 % kopenske površine, ekstremna suša pa na 3-5 % le te. Gre za obsežen pojav, ki najbolj ogroža države severovzhodne Afrike in jugozahodne Azije s Kitajsko. Tudi Slovenija ima kljub sorazmerno veliki povprečni letni količini padavin vse več let s sušami, povečuje se pogostost in intenziteta. Najbolj sušno ogrožena območja so vzhodni, južni in obalni predeli Slovenije. Pojav zajema 25 % celotne površine naše države. Scenariji napovedanih podnebnih sprememb kažejo, da se bodo težave zaradi suš v prihodnosti še stopnjevale zaradi napovedanih višjih temperature zraka (1 do 4 °C, odvisno od scenarija) in povečanega izhlapevanja (do 16 %). Padavin bo manj predvsem poleti in v času vegetacije rastlin. Suše bodo pogostejše in intenzivnejše in se bodo pojavljale na območjih, kjer jih do sedaj ni bilo. Glede na sedanje stanje in napovedane spremembe podnebja je prilagajanje kmetijstva na sušo nujen ukrep, potrebno bo spremljanje stanja in sprotno obveščanje o stanju sušnosti, načrtovanje namakalnih sistemov, prilagajanje agrotehničnih ukrepov, uvajanje novih, na sušne razmere odpornejših sort in spremembe kmetijske zakonodaje.

Keywords:podnebne spremembe, kmetijstvo, suša, padavine, višje temperature
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Brvar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120440 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29569795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Droughts in agriculture caused by global climate change
Agriculture is a series of activities that are highly dependent on weather and climate conditions, as they take place mostly outdoors. Temperature and precipitation have the greatest impact on agriculture, as do extreme weather events, which include agricultural drought. It is described as a period when we have an insufficient amount of water in the soil that agricultural plants need for normal growth and development. Agricultural drought has become a global problem as it obstructs the food security of countries in its scale. It affects all the countries of the world, covering 30 % of the land area, while 3-5 % of it is affected by extreme drought. It is a large-scale phenomenon that threatens the countries of Northeast Africa and Southwest Asia including China. Despite the relatively high average annual rainfall, Slovenia also experiences periods of droughts, the frequency and intensity of which are increasing. The most drought-endangered areas are the eastern, southern and coastal parts of Slovenia. Drought is likely to occur on 25 % of all areas in our country. Scenarios of forecasted climate change indicate that drought problems will intensify in the future due to the predicted higher air temperatures (1 to 4 °C, depending on the scenario) and increased evaporation (up to 16 %). There will be less precipitation, especially in summer and during the vegetation period. Droughts will be more frequent and more intense and will occur in areas where they have not been recorded before. In view of the current situation and the predicted climate change, the adaptation of agriculture to drought is a necessary. It will be very important in the future to monitor and spread information on drought, plan more irrigation systems, include more various agro-technical measures, introduce new drought-resistant crops and change some agricultural legislation.

Keywords:climate change, agriculture, drought, precipitation, higher temperatures

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