In this thesis, I examine the image of the bourgeoisie in three dramas of Henrik Ibsen. With the help of the historical context, the author's biography and the literary period of the work, I place it in time and space. Through the works Nora, Ghosts and Wild Duck, I try to emphasize the main features of the new ruling class. I think about how the bourgeoisie works and focus on its dependence on reputation and appearance. Then, I discuss the relations between the members of the bourgeoisie and think about what separates the winners from the losers. In this context, I am interested in the issue of legality and legitimacy. I also deal with the issue of intergenerational relations and find out how the understanding of the impact of the environment and heredity is manifested. Next, I problematize the position of women in the dramas and discuss the main points of the author's critique: inequality between spouses (as a consequence of economic inequality between them), arbitrariness of moral principles, the role of the church in maintaining patriarchy and the importance of women's emancipation.