The purpose of my bachelor thesis is to find out what are the core working tasks of the military
personnel of Slovenian Armed Forces on a certain position, what are the performance standards
concerning working tasks and what are the competencies, that military personnel of SAF must
have according to successfully complete the working tasks. In the beginning, I engage with the
theory and competencies generally, and with the division of them. In the second part of the
theoretical work, I research the Slovenian Armed Forces, its operation, and the competencies
of SAF military personnel. In the empirical part of the thesis, I analyzed the already conducted
research of the competencies of military personnel from year 2006 and its results. The workshop
was carried out between years 2005 and 2006 by doc. dr. Andrej Kohont (Faculty of Social
Sciences) and Mateja Naglič. In the last part I analyzed the data that I obtained myself with the
help of a workshop which was carried out with 19 members of the SAF military personnel in
2019 in the Franc Uršič military post located in Novo mesto. I focused on 3 main research
questions, which relate to the core working tasks of SAF soldiers, what are the performance
standards regarding the working tasks, and what competencies are needed to successfully
complete the task. The results of both workshops coincided to a considerable extent in some