
Računalniško podprto odkrivanje in načrtovanje potencialnih zaviralcev O-GlcNAc transferaze : magistrska naloga
ID Červek, Miha (Author), ID Tomašič, Tihomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Popolno poznavanje delovanja encima O-GlcNAc transferaza (OGT) predstavlja pomemben del raziskav, ki bi povezale dosedanja dognanja o vplivu encima OGT na razvoj številnih bolezni. S svojevrstnim pogledom na problem smo se naloge lotili z računalniškim iskanjem spojin vodnic, ki bi zavirale encimsko aktivnost OGT. Kot izhodišče smo uporabili naravni substrat encima, in sicer UDP-GlcNAc. Do sedaj razviti zaviralci OGT so večinoma pokazali aktivnost le v in vitro sistemih, saj so bili premalo selektivni za OGT, večina izmed njih pa je izkazovala tudi slabo prehajanje celične membrane. Metoda virtualnega rešetanja knjižnic kemijskih spojin na osnovi strukture encima je ponudila nov pogled v načrtovanje zaviralcev OGT, pri čemer so bili še posebej zanimivi rezultati sidranja knjižnice fragmentov v vezavno mesto UDP dela molekule UDP-GlcNAc. Med najvišje uvrščenimi spojinami se je večkrat ponovila struktura kinolin-2-on-4-karboksamida, ki je nato služila tudi kot osnova za sintezo manjše knjižnice spojin na Katedri za farmacevtsko kemijo. Še posebej navdušujoči so bili rezultati in vitro testiranja sintetiziranih fragmentov, izmed katerih sta dve spojini (UL-AAS-4 in UL-AAS-5c) povsem zavrli aktivnost encima OGT pri koncentraciji 1 mM. Hkrati so velik potencial pokazale tudi spojine, ki smo jih kupili iz na tržišču dostopnih knjižnic spojin, tako je denimo relativna aktivnost OGT glede na kontrolo za spojino UL-OGT-01 pri 1 mM koncentraciji znašala le 36%. Uspešnost na encimskem testiranju hkrati dobro potrjuje učinkovitost uporabljene računalniške metode iskanja novih biološko aktivnih spojin. Večina najvišje uvrščenih spojin je imela molekulsko maso manjšo od 300 g/mol, pogled na njihovo predvideno vezavo v modelu OGT pa razkriva še veliko možnosti za dodatne interakcije s proteinom, kar nam daje še veliko manevrskega prostora pri načrtovanju in optimizaciji spojin do še boljših zaviralcev. Opravili smo šele prvi korak v dolgi verigi razvoja novih učinkovin, vendar menimo, da zelo koristnega in pomembnega.

Keywords:difosfo-N-acetilglukozamin N-acetilglukozamin računalniška podpora virtualno rešetanje modeliranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Červek]
Number of pages:IV, 50 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120368 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4325233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Computer-aided discovery and design of potential O-GlcNAc transferaze inhibitors : enoviti magistrski študij program farmacija
Full understanding of the enzyme O-GlcNAc transferase and all of its functional mechanisms and roles may represent the last piece in the jigsaw, which would confirm that errors in regulation of O-GlcNAcylation of proteins lead to numerous diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. We used computer-aided drug design methodology to search for novel lead compounds, which would effectively inhibit OGT enzymatic activity. Our starting point was the OGT's natural substrate UDP-GlcNAc. Majority of the so far developed and tested inhibitors were active only in in vitro experiments and exhibited insufficient target specificity. In addition, most of them also suffer from a large degree of cell impermeability. Structure-based virtual screeening method of compound libraries offered us a new insight in the inhibitor design. Screening results of docking compounds into the UDP binding pocket of the OGT active site offered some really interesting results. Structure of 2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-4-carboxamide was a common structural feature of several compounds ranked amongst the best 25 hits. Researchers from the Chair of medicinal chemistry used it as a template structure for the synthesis of 22 new derivatives. In vitro testing results for these derivatives were very encouraging with some of the compounds (UL-AAS-4 and UL-AAS-5c) completely inhibiting the OGT activity at the tested concentration. Inhibition was also achieved with some other compounds ranked on the list of the best 25 hits. These laboratory tests results also confirmed the efficiency of the used methods for identifying new lead compounds. Most of the top ranked compounds have a molecular mass lower than 300 g/mol, which gives us a lot of space for future design and optimization of the selected compounds. With this work we merely made the first step in the long process of finding better inhibitors, though a very useful and important one.

Keywords:OGT UDP-GlcNAc inhibitor virtual screening

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