
Reprezentacija ženskih likov v filmih Wesa Andersona : diplomsko delo
ID Martinčič, Ajda (Author), ID Stanković, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Film je v današnjem svetu pripomogel k temu, da je svet danes viden in vizualiziran bolj kot kdajkoli prej. Deluje kot izredno pomemben medij, ki sooblikuje posameznikove predstave o družbenih, političnih ter gospodarskih vprašanjih, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na kulturne ideje o spolu, spolnosti in vlogi žensk, tako v javni kot zasebni sferi. Stereotipne reprezentacije filmskih likov se namreč v naracijo filma tako zakoreninijo, da se nam sčasoma zdijo popolnoma navadne. Zatorej je pomembno razumeti filmske reprezentacije in koncepte, ki postojijo za njimi. Pri raziskovanju tega polja se tako lahko opiramo na filmsko analizo reprezentacij, kjer združujemo mentalni vidik, z elementi filmskega jezika. Oba spektra nam pomagata razumeti podobe na filmskem platnu in posledično interpretirati filmsko pripoved. Tako lahko ženske like razumemo skozi moški pogled znotraj pripovedi ali pa skozi pogled moškega občinstva. Pri tem so ženski liki najpogosteje predstavljeni kot seksualni objekti, s čimer se ukvarja feministična filmska teorija. Prav tako lahko reprezentacije razumemo preko žanra specifično definiranih ženskih likov, ki so se izoblikovali skozi zgodovino filma in ostajajo aktualni še danes. Z razumevanjem teoretskih konceptov in procesov, ki stoji za analizo filmskih reprezentacij, lahko ugotovimo, da so v izbranih filmih Wesa Andersona ženski liki večinoma definirani iz strani moškega, za katerega delujejo usodno. To pomeni, da so razlog za njihove tegobe in posledično filmske zaplete. Poleg tega so ženski liki večinoma reprezentirani izredno stereotipno, pojavljajo pa se v veliko manjšem številu kot moški.

Keywords:ženski liki, filmska naracija, reprezentacije, analiza filma, Wes Anderson
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Martinčič]
Number of pages:36 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120325 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31442179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Representation of female characters in Wes Anderson’s films
Film today has contributed to a world that is more visible and visualized than ever. It functions as an important media, that co-creates the individual's ideas about societal, political and economic questions, which can influence cultural ideas of gender, sexuality and the role of women, both in a public and private sphere. Stereotypical representations of the films’ characters anchor themselves fully into the narration of the film and become normalized. We explore this field through an analysis of representations in film, where we combine both the mental perspective of representations and elements of the language of film. Both spectra can help us understand the images on the screen and consequently enable us to interpret the film's narrative. In this context, we see the female characters from the perspective of a man either the spectator or character, but as feminists studies suggest, there are in both cases mostly presented as sexual objects. Through the history of film, we can identify some female archetypes that remain relevant to this day. With understanding the whole process behind the analysis of representation in film, we realize, that the female characters in the chosen films by Wes Anderson are generally defined by the male, to whom they seem fatal. This means that they become the reason for conflict and the film's plot. Some characters are shown extraordinarily stereotypical, whilst others seem to diverge from stereotypical representations. Nevertheless, female characters are a minority in his films compared to their male counterparts.

Keywords:female characters, film narration, representations, film analysis, Wes Anderson

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