
Prva matura v slovenskem jeziku 1913
ID Papež, David (Author), ID Selišnik, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z vprašanjem uveljavitve slovenščine kot znanstvenega jezika. Ustanovitelj Zavoda sv. Stanislava, knezoškof Anton Bonaventura Jeglič, si je od začetka prizadeval ustanoviti popolnoma slovensko gimnazijo. Že ob prvi generaciji maturantov leta 1913 pa mu je uspelo izboriti opravljanje zrelostnega izpita v maternem jeziku, kar je bil vrh prizadevanj za slovensko gimnazijo. Ustanovitev gimnazije in nato izvedba pouka sta bila precejšna težava, saj do takrat ni bilo zadostnega učnega gradiva v slovenščini. Iz tega razloga je škof poslal svoje profesorje na izobraževanje na Dunaj, kjer so se pripravili na poučevanje. Po vrnitvi so napisali nekaj učbenikov, ki so postali gradivo za ves pouk na gimnazijah, kjer so se učili v slovenščini. Učbeniki so bili takšne kakovosti, da so jih uporabljali tudi v medvojnem času. Po pridobljenem dovoljenju o javnosti mature s strani Ministrstva za uk in bogočastje 6. marca 1913 je škof v neposrednem dopisovanju z Dunajem izboril opravljanje izpitov v slovenskem jeziku. Maturo so opravljali iz latinščine, grščine, nemščine in slovenščine. Najprej so opravljali pisne izpite, ki so potekali med 9. in 12. junijem, med 5. in 9. julijem pa še ustne. Zadnji letnik je uspešno zaključilo vseh trideset dijakov, tako da so vsi dobili pravico opravljanja mature. Od njih jih je kar polovica opravila izpite z odliko. Od leta 1914 dalje je Zavod sv. Stanislava od državnih organov imel dovoljenje za stalno izvajanje državno veljavne mature.

Keywords:Škofovi zavodi, Škofijska gimnazija, prva matura v slovenskem jeziku
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120308 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:38189827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The first matura in Slovenian language 1913
The present graduate thesis deals with the issue of establishing Slovene as a scientific language. The founder of St. Stanislav's Institution, archbishop Anton Bonaventura Jeglič, sought to establish a completely Slovenian high school from the very beginning. Already for the first generation of high school graduates in 1913, he managed to obtain a license to pass the maturity exam in mother tongue which was a top achievement for the Slovenian high school. The establishment of a grammar school and then the implementation of lessons were a considerable problem, as until then there was not enough teaching material in Slovene. For this reason, the bishop sent his professors to study in Vienna, where they prepared for teaching. Upon their return, they wrote some schoolbooks, which became the teaching material for all lessons in high schools where they were taught in Slovenian language. The schoolbooks were of such quality that they were also used in the interwar period. On March 6th 1913 after obtaining license on the public use of the matura from Ministry for Education and Religious Affairs, the bishop, in direct correspondence with Vienna, managed to get the right for students to take exams in Slovene. They took the matura exams in Latin, Greek, German and Slovene. They first they took written exams, which took place between 9th and 12th June. Between 5th and 9th July, they took oral exams. The last year was successfully finished by all thirty students, so that all of them were given the right to take the matura. As many as half of them passed the exams with distinction. From 1914 onwards St. Stanislav's Institution had a permanent license from the state authorities to carry out the state-valid matura.

Keywords:Bishop's Institution, Diocesan Gymnasium, first matura in Slovenian language

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