
Oblikovalska zasnova izdelkov iz odpadnega materiala na primeru podjetja Servis šotorov Barbara Orehek Girandon
ID Girandon, Žan (Author), ID Pritržnik, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Družinsko podjetje se ukvarja s popravili šotorov in drugih izdelkov iz platna. Zaradi unikatne narave izdelkov imajo v podjetju težavo z ostanki platna. Platno je kakovostno izdelano hkrati pa zahtevno za ločevanje in reciklažo. Osredotočil sem se na problem večjih ostankov v obliki trakov, ki jih podjetje velikokrat ne more porabiti za večje šotorske izdelke. Problema sem se lotil z iskanjem potencialnih novih izdelkov, ki bi bili izdelani iz odpadkov. V fazi generiranja idej sem ostanke združil s problematiko gibalne nerazvitosti današnjih otrok ter zasnoval izdelek, ki je primeren za otroke v zgodnjem otroštvu. Produkt otroke spodbuja, da se igrajo in gibajo na prostem, oblikovno pa združuje zahteve podjetja, potrebe otrok ter vrtcev.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, platno, recikliranje, odpadni material, ostanki platna, razvoj otroka, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120252 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The design plan for products made out of waste material on the example of Barbara Orehek Girandon tent repair company
The family business is engaged in the repair of tents and other canvas products. Due to the unique nature of the products, the company has a problem with canvas scraps. The canvas is of high quality and at the same time demanding for separation and recycling. Focusing on the problem of larger scrap in the form of strips, which the company often cannot spend on larger tent products. I tackled the problem by looking for potential new products to be made from excess. In the phase of generating ideas, I combined the remains with the issue of motor immaturity of today’s children and designed a product that is suitable for children in early childhood. The product encourages children to play and move outdoors. The design combines the requirements of the company, the needs of children and kindergartens.

Keywords:industrial design fabric, recycling, waste material, fabric remains, child development, BA thesis

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