
Zakaj zdaj in ne nikoli? (Onkraj nevtralnosti tehnike in naproti tehnični zgodovini)
ID Dajčman, Blaž (Author), ID Vörös, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naloga se ukvarja z vprašanjem bistva tehnike in obenem pretresa vlogo tehnike v konstituciji človeštva. Prvi del s pomočjo Heideggerjevih konceptov problematizira instrumentalno bistvo tehnike, ki pravi, da je tehnika zgolj sredstvo, in starogrško pojmovanje tehnike, po katerem je tehnika način razkrivanja realnosti. Pokazal bom, da tehnika vselej združuje oba momenta, da pa sta znotraj moderne tehnike združena s težnjo po absolutni resnici, tj. z metafizično težnjo, ki se obenem dela nevtralno. Moderno tehniko in nevtralnost problematiziram s pomočjo pojma razkrivanje, ki pravi, da je tehnika vselej tudi stvaritev nedoločenega – nečesa, kar bomo šele spoznali – in s pomočjo človeško-tehnološkega razvoja, ki prikazuje, da tehnika vselej usmerja človeka in obratno. Razmerje med metafiziko in tehniko obravnavam – preko Stieglerja – naprej v drugem delu, kjer bom prikazal, da je tehnika nadomestilo človeške izvorne nedoločenosti in da je šele razmerje s tehniko tisto, ki omogoča razumevanje časovnosti. Zunanji čas, tj. čas tehnike, bom predstavil kot najprej končen in šele posredno neskončen, kar pomeni, da je tehnika vselej zgodovinska, preden je zgolj sredstvo, hkrati pa je tudi sredstvo, ki bo pogojevalo prihodnjo zgodovino. Tehnika tako nikoli ne bo zmogla zadovoljiti metafizičnih ciljev, saj ni statična. Razmerje človek-tehnika bom predstavil kot diskurzivno razmerje, kjer gre za nenehno vplivanje, usmerjanje in soomogočanje enega in drugega.

Keywords:tehnika, čas, smrt, metafizika, instrumentalnost, izvor, postavje, samolastnost, konstitutivnost, razkrivanje, zunanje, nevtralno
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2020
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Title:Why now and not never? (Beyond neutrality of technics and towards a technical history)
The paper questions the essence of technology and simultaneously considers the role of technology in the constitution of humanity. The first part uses Heideggers concepts to problematize the instrumental essence of technics, which says that technics is merely a means, and the ancient Greek conception of technics, which says that technics is a way of revealing reality. I will show that technics always implements both moments, but that within modern technology they are united by a tendency towards absolute truth, i.e. with a metaphysical tendency that at the same time seems neutral. I problematize modern technics and neutrality via the concept of revelation, which says that technics is always the creation of the indefinite, something we are yet to learn, and with the help of human-technological development, which shows that technics always directs man and vice versa. I consider the relationship between metaphysics and technics, with the help of Stiegler, further in the second part, where I will show that technics is a substitute for original human indeterminacy and that the relationship with technics first allows for the understanding of temporality. I will present external time, i.e. the time of technics, as first finite and only indirectly infinite, which means that technics is always historical before it is merely a means, and at the same time it is also a means that will condition future history. Technics will thus never be able to satisfy metaphysical goals, since it is never static. The human-technical relationship will be presented as a discursive relationship, where it is a matter of constantly influencing, directing and co-enabling both.

Keywords:technics, time, death, metaphysics, instrumentality, origin, enframing, selfness, constitutivity, revelation, external, neutral

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