
Vpliv Brexita na severnoirsko vprašanje
ID Duh, Miha (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen te zaključne seminarske naloge je predstaviti, kakšen vpliv ima Brexit na severnoirsko vprašanje. Poleg tega želim še predstaviti zgodovinski okvir severnoirskega vprašanja, analizirati demografijo Severne Irske in analizirati, kakšne bodo posledice izhoda Združenega kraljestva iz EU za Severno Irsko s poudarkom na izstopu Združenega kraljestva iz EU brez dogovora. Delo za zaključno seminarsko nalogo je bilo izključno kabinetno. Vsebovalo pa je prebiranje literature in analizo podatkov. Brexit je imel izrazit vpliv na severnoirsko vprašanje, saj je obudil debato o njem. Spremembe v demografiji Severne Irske, še posebej možna prevlada katolikov v naslednjih letih, bo ključna za prihodnost severnoirskega vprašanja. O točni spremembi pa nam bo povedal popis, ki se bo zgodil leta 2021. Izstop Združenega kraljestva iz EU brez dogovora bi povzročil ekonomsko škodo v Združenem kraljestvu, ki bi bila še hujša v Severni Irski, kar bi v povezavi z ekonomsko škodo, ki jo povzroča COVID-19, povečalo možnost za združenje Irske.

Keywords:Brexit, Severna Irska, No-deal Brexit, severnoirsko vprašanje, Združena Irska
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120216 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The effects of Brexit on the North Irish question
The purpose of this thesis is to present the impact of Brexit on the North Irish question. In addition, I would also like to present the historical context of the North Irish question, analyse the demographics of Northern Ireland and analyse the consequences of UK's exit from the EU on Northern Ireland, with a focus on a no-deal Brexit. The work for this thesis was exclusively cabinet work. It included reading literature and analysing data. Brexit has had a significant impact on the North Irish question since it has reignited debate on it. Changes in the demographics of Northern Ireland, especially the possible dominance of Catholics in the coming years, will be key to the future of the North Irish question. The census that will take place in 2021 will tell us the exact change. No-deal Brexit would cause economic damages to the UK, which would be even more severe in Northern Ireland. Together with economic damages caused by COVID-19 this increase the possibility of a United Ireland.

Keywords:Brexit, Northern Ireland, No-deal Brexit, North Irish question, United Ireland

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