
Sinteza predzdravila simvastatina za limfatično absorpcijo : enoviti magistrski študij farmacija
ID Barborič, Tina (Author), ID Mravljak, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Bolezni srca in ožilja sodijo med velike javnozdravstvene probleme, saj so najpogostejši vzrok smrti v razvitem svetu kot tudi v državah razvoja. Podatki sicer kažejo, da se umrljivost zaradi bolezni srca in ožilja zmanjšuje, a so še vedno ključno zdravstveno breme pri nas in tudi v drugih razvitih družbah. Eden glavnih dejavnikov tveganja za bolezni srca in ožilja je povišan holesterol, ki mu poljudno rečemo kar »tihi ubijalec«, saj se ga bolniki pogosto ne zavedajo, nezdravljen pa lahko povzroči zelo resne bolezni. Ko sprememba načina življenja ni več dovolj za znižanje holesterola, je zdravljenje z zdravili nuja in ne zgolj priporočilo. Ena od skupin zdravil za zdravljenje dislipidemij so statini, katerih odkritje predstavlja pomemben napredek pri preprečevanju tveganja za nastanek ateroskleroze in njenih zapletov. Eden od predstavnikov statinov je simvastatin, katerega biološka uporabnost pa je zelo omejena z obsežnim jetrnim metabolizmom.V sklopu magistrske naloge smo sintetizirali dve predzdravili simvastatina za limfatično absorpcijo. Z limfatično absorpcijo se lahko izognemo metabolizmu prvega prehoda v jetrih, posledično pa je višja tudi biološka uporabnost zdravil. Predzdravili simvastatina sta gliceridna mimetika, ki naj bi posnemala prebavo, ponovno esterifikacijo in limfatični transport prehrambnih trigliceridov. Gliceridna mimetika bi se tako združila z lipoproteini in se, namesto absorpcije v portalno kri, absorbirala v limfo. V magistrski nalogi smo najprej optimizirali sintezo glicerol 1,3-distearata, pri čemer smo preizkusili tri različne sinteze poti: sintezo glicerol 1,3-distearata iz 1,3-dihidroksiaceton dimera, iz solketala in neposredno iz glicerola. Ugotovili smo, da je najbolj optimalna sinteza glicerola 1,3-distearata neposredno iz glicerola. Nato smo na glicerol 1,3-distearat pripeli ustrezna distančnika iz glutarne in jantarne kisline. Končni korak naše sinteze pa je bil pripenjanje glicerol 1,3-distearata z ustreznim distančnikom na prosto –OH skupino simvastatina. Obema predzdraviloma smo ovrednotili metabolno pretvorbo predzdravila v simvastatin. Ugotovili smo, da se obe predzdravili metabolizirata pod vplivom jetrnih mikrosomalnih encimov. Po 15 minutah se iz predzdravila z glutaratnim distančnikom sprosti 1,07 % simvastatina, po 30 minutah 1,02 %, po 60 minutah 1,92 % in po 120 minutah 2,60 % simvastaina, medtem ko se iz predzdravila s sukcinatnim distančnikom po 15 minutah sprosti 2,36 % simvastatina, po 30 minutah 4,13 %, po 60 minutah 5,15 % in po 120 minutah 6,30 % simvastatina. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da se več simvastatina sprosti iz predzdravila s sukcinatnim distančnikom, iz česar lahko sklepamo, da izbira distančnika vpliva na sproščanje simvastatina.

Keywords:limfatična absorpcija predzdravilo simvastatin gliceridni mimetik sinteza glicerol 1, 3-distearata
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Barborič]
Number of pages:IX, 59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120159 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4652913 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Synthesis of simvastatin prodrug for lymphatic absorption
Cardiovascular diseases are among society’s major public health problems as they are the most common cause of death in the developed world as well as in the developing countries. Data suggest that cardiovascular mortality is declining, but remains a key health burden for all developed societies. One of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is elevated cholesterol, which is also called the "silent killer", because patients are often unaware of it, but if left untreated it can cause very serious illnesses. When non-pharmacological approaches are no longer sufficient, treatment with medicaments is a must and not merely a recommendation. Statins are a class of lipid-lowering drugs, which have shown significant advances in the prevention of risk of atherosclerosis and its complications. Simvastatin is a statin class drug whose bioavailability is very limited by extensive first-pass hepatic metabolism. Two prodrugs of simvastatin for lymphatic absorption were synthesized for the purpose of our master’s thesis. Lymphatic absorption can avoid the first-pass hepatic metabolism and as a consequence, the bioavailability of drugs is higher. The simvastatin prodrugs are glyceride mimetics, which are supposed to mimic the digestion, re-esterification, and lymphatic transport pathways of dietary triglycerides. The glyceride mimetics would then combine with lipoproteins and, instead of being absorbed into the portal blood, they would be absorbed into the lymph. For the purpose of our master’s thesis we first optimized the synthesis of glycerol 1,3-distearate, using three different synthetic routes: the synthesis of glycerol 1,3-distearate from 1,3-dihydroxyacetone dimer, from solketal, and directly from glycerol. We found that the most optimal synthesis of glycerol 1,3-distearate is directly from glycerol. Then, the appropriate spacer from glutaric and succinic acids was bound to the glycerol 1,3-distearate. The final prodrugs were synthesized by binding simvastatin and glycerol 1,3-distearate with the appropriate spacer. Both prodrugs were evaluated for the release of simvastatin from the prodrug. We found that both prodrugs are metabolized by liver microsomal enzymes. After 15 minutes, 1.07% of simvastatin is released from the prodrug with a glutarate spacer, 1.02% is released after 30 minutes, 1.92% is released after 60 minutes, and after 120 minutes, 2.60% of simvastatin is released, while 2.36 % of simvastatin is released from a prodrug with a succinate spacer after 15 minutes, 4.13% after 30 minutes, 5.15% after 60 minutes, and 6.30% of simvastatin after 120 minutes. The results show that more simvastatin is released from a prodrug with a succinate spacer, so we can conclude that type of spacer affects the release of simvastatin.

Keywords:simvastatin glyceride mimetics lymphatic absorption prodrug optimization of synthesis

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