
Primerjava in ocena varnosti kozmecevtikov ter kozmetičnih izdelkov za nego aknaste kože : UN kozmetologija
ID Pretnar, Lucija (Author), ID Sollner Dolenc, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koža se tekom življenja spreminja in v določenem starostnem obdobju se lahko pojavijo akne, kožni madeži, gube in celulit, ki načnejo našo samozavest in osebno zadovoljstvo. V mladostniškem obdobju se pogosto pojavijo akne, ki prizadenejo dlačno-lojnično enoto. Čeprav so akne zaradi hormonskih sprememb del odraščanja, je pomembno, da celovito pristopimo k odpravljanju aken, saj le-te vplivajo tudi na izgled in samopodobo najstnika. Blažje oblike aken lahko odpravimo s pravilnim čiščenjem in nego kože z ustreznimi kozmetičnimi izdelki in tudi kozmecevtiki. Oboji vsebujejo kozmetično aktivne sestavine, s katerimi vplivamo na kožno bariero in izgled kože. Za zdravljenje težjih oblik aken je potrebna zdravstvena obravnava, kjer zdravnik predpiše lokalno ali sistemsko terapijo. V okviru naloge smo pregledali trg izdelkov za nego aknaste kože in med seboj primerjali kozmecevtike s kozmetičnimi izdelki. Skupno 72 izdelkov smo razdelili v 2 skupini. Prvo skupino predstavljajo kozmecevtiki za aknasto kožo, kjer se nahaja 47 (65 %) izdelkov. Drugo skupino predstavljajo vsi kozmetični izdelki za nego aknaste kože in se večinoma prodajajo v bolje založenih drogerijah, teh je 25 (35 %). Ugotovili smo, da se v obeh pregledanih skupinah kot kozmetično aktivne sestavine najpogosteje pojavljajo alfa-hidroksi kisline (v 52 izdelkih – 72 %) in salicilna kislina (v 28 izdelkih – 39 %) ter da koncentracije kozmetično aktivnih sestavin praviloma niso navedene. Izdelali smo toksikološke profile kozmetično aktivnih sestavin, ki se najpogosteje pojavljajo v pregledanih izdelkih. Pozorni smo bili tudi na oglaševanje in navedbe na posameznih izdelkih. Pripisovanje zdravilnih učinkov kozmetičnim izdelkom namreč ni dovoljeno. Kljub temu smo pri nekaterih opisih kozmecevtikov opazili oznake, kot so biološki način delovanja, aktivno delovanje in primerno za zdravljenje aknaste kože. Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela nas je zanimalo tudi, ali se kozmecevtiki bistveno razlikujejo od kozmetičnih izdelkov, ali imajo kakšno dodano vrednost in kakšna je njihova varnost. Dodatno smo pregledali še dermatike, ki se uporabljajo za zdravljenje aken in ugotovili, da kozmecevtiki za aknasto kožo po sestavi niso podobni dermatikom, ki se uporabljajo za zdravljenje aken. Večina kozmecevtikov ne vsebuje podatka o koncentraciji kozmetično aktivnih sestavin, kar bi bil dober podatek za primerjavo več izdelkov za enak namen uporabe in za morebitne primerjave glede učinkovitosti. Ugotovili smo, da so pregledani izdelki varni za uporabo in vsebujejo primerna varnostna opozorila, ki seznanijo potrošnika z načinom varne uporabe in morebitnimi neželenimi učinki.

Keywords:kozmecevtiki nega aknaste kože varnost izdelkov kozmetično aktivne sestavine dermalno zdravljenje aken
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Pretnar]
Number of pages:IX, 53 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120139 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4575345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison and safety assessment of cosmeceuticals and cosmetic products for acne skin care
The skin changes in the course of life and acne, blackheads, spots, wrinkles, and cellulite, which have a negative effect on our confidence and self-satisfaction. Because of rising hormone levels in adolescence, acne is predominantly known as a skin disorder of the adolescent population, which affect the pilosebaceous unit. It is important to eliminate acne, as it affects the appearance and self-image of a teenager. The mildest form of acne can be eliminated by proper cleansing and skin care with appropriate cosmetic products as well as cosmeceuticals. Both contain cosmetically active ingredients, which have affect on the skin barrier and the appearance of the skin. Treatment of a more severe form of acne requires a medical treatment, with local or systemic therapy. An overview of acne-treatment products was made with a comparison between cosmeceuticals and cosmetic products, followed by an overview of dermatologists used for treating acne. A total of 72 cosmetic products was divided into 2 groups. The first group is represented by cosmeceuticals for acne and consists of 47 (65 %) products. The second group is represented by cosmetic products for acne-; these 25 (35 %) products can be found in most cosmetic stores. It was established that cosmetically active ingredients in both tested groups are alpha hydroxy acids (52 products or 72 %) and salicylic acid (28 products or 39 %), and that the concentrations of cosmetically active ingredients incorporated generally aren't stated. This was followed by toxicological profiles of most common cosmetically active ingredients in the studied samples. An emphasis was also placed on the advertising and labelling of individual products. Attributing healing effects to cosmetic products is against the law. Nevertheless, certain cosmeceuticals featured labels such as "biologically active treatment", "active treatment", and "suitable for acne-affected skin therapy". The thesis also helps to answer the question, whether or not cosmeceuticals significantly differentiate from cosmetic products, do they present an actual added value, and how safe they are. Most cosmeceuticals for acne are more similar by formulation to cosmetic products for acne, not dermatics that are used to treat acne. Most cosmeceuticals do not contain data about cosmetically active ingredients concentration, which would be valuable information for comparing several products for the same purpose and for possible comparisons in terms of effectiveness.In conclusion, the products reviewed are safe to use and labelled with appropriate warnings that inform the consumer on the safe use and potential side-effects of the product.

Keywords:cosmeceuticals cosmetics products for acne safety

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