
Gonilnik za temperaturni senzor
ID SEDEJ, DOMEN (Author), ID Tuma, Tadej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Temperaturni senzor je eden izmed osnovnih in najbolj uporabljanih tipal v elektrotehniki. V diplomski nalogi ja opisan program za temperaturni senzor AT30TS74. Že vnaprej kalibriran senzor lahko meri od –55 do 125 stopinj z 0,125 stopinje natančno. AT30TS74 je v nalogi predstavljen kot podrejena naprava, njegova nadrejena naprava pa je nrf52840. Naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. Prvi del vsebuje poznavanje I2C komunikacije in sestavo gonilnika za temperaturni senzor. Gonilnik bo v vseh prihajajočih projektih omogočal programiranje senzorja s funkcijami, ki jih lahko uporablja kdorkoli ne glede na poznavanje same naprave. Senzor ima štiri registre. Prvi je namenjen samo za branje, saj vsebuje podatke o temperaturi. Ostali trije registri so namenjeni za različne nastavitve, ki jih senzor ponuja. Za upravljane teh nastavitev je tukaj gonilnik. Ta vsebuje vse potrebne funkcije, da lahko na lahek in hiter način spreminjamo vrednosti registrov. Drugi del naloge opisuje program, ki vsebuje integracijo gonilnika v realni projekt. Operacijski sistem in okolje sta bila že pripravljena. Cilj je bil narediti logiko pridobivanja podatkov s pomočjo mojega gonilnika. Uporabniku sem nastavil dve možnosti pridobivanja podatkov o temperaturi, in sicer jih lahko pridobiva periodično ali pa enkratno ob pritisku na tipko.

Keywords:gonilnik, I2C, temperatura, senzor, register
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Temperature Sensor Driver
The temperature sensor is one of the basic and most widely used sensors in electrical engineering. This diploma describes the program for the temperature sensor AT30TS74. This pre-calibrated sensor can measure from -55 to 125 degrees, with 0.125 degrees accuracy. AT30TS74 is presented as a slave device, to its parent device, nrf52840. The task is divided into two parts. The first part contains the knowledge of I2C communication and the composition of the driver for the temperature sensor. In all upcoming projects, the driver will allow the user to program the sensor with functions, that can be used by anyone, regardless of the knowledge of the device itself. Sensor has four registers. The first, temperature register, is read-only, as it contains temperature data. The other three registers are designed for the different settings that sensor offers. Driver contains all the necessary functions so that we can change the values of the registers in an easy and fast way. The second part of the task describes a program that includes the integration of the driver into a real project. The operating system and environment were already set up. My task was to make the logic of retrieving data using my driver. I have set the user two options for obtaining temperature data, he can obtain it periodically or once by pressing a button.

Keywords:driver, I2C, temerature, sensor, register

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