
Uporaba globokega učenja za detekcijo objektov na fotografijah turističnih nastanitev
ID Novak, Gregor (Author), ID Curk, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo poskusili rešiti problem izbire najprimernejših modelov detekcije objektov z metodami globokega učenja za uporabo na fotografijah, značilnih za oglase turističnih nastanitev. Pri tem smo za referenčno množico fotografij turističnih nastanitev uporabili fotografije iz spletnih oglasov. Osredotočili smo se na oglase nastanitev iz dveh priljubljenih slovenskih turističnih destinacij, Kranjske Gore in Pirana. Uporabili smo več vnaprej naučenih modelov, ki kot rezultat svoje detekcije vračajo mejne škatle objektov. Šest uporabljenih modelov je bilo učenih na množici fotografij COCO, dva modela pa sta bila učena na množici Open Images. Modele smo primerjali glede na rezultate detekcije na fotografijah turističnih nastanitev, na delu testne množice Open Images pa smo poskusili ovrednotiti tudi njihovo uspešnost. Predstavimo tudi nov način uporabe obstoječih modelov, združevanje v sistem več modelov. Glede na pridobljene rezultate, kot najbolj primeren nabor izmed uporabljenih modelov, predlagamo združen sistem modelov, kjer uporabimo modela R-FCN in YOLOv3, učena na množici COCO, v kombinaciji z modelom Faster R-CNN, učenim na množici Open Images.

Keywords:globoko učenje, strojno učenje, prepoznavanje objektov, detekcija objektov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120072 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31345155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2020
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Title:Deep learning for object detection in photographs of tourist accommodations
In this diploma thesis, we address the problem of choosing the most appropriate group of deep learning object detection models for use on photographs, which are typical for tourist accommodations. As a representative dataset for this domain of photographs, we used photographs from online listings. We focused on two popular Slovenian destinations, Kranjska Gora and Piran. We used several pre-trained models, which return bounding boxes for detected objects. Out of eight models in total, six object detection models were trained on COCO dataset, and two models were trained on Open Images dataset. We compared the models according to their performance on photographs from tourist accommodation online advertisements. We also tried evaluating their performance on part of the test dataset from Open Images. Additionally, we present a new way of using existing object detection models, i.e., merging multiple models into a combined system. As a final solution to our given problem, we propose a merged system of models R-FCN and YOLOv3, which were trained on the COCO dataset, in combination with the model Faster R-CNN that was trained on the Open Images dataset.

Keywords:deep learning, machine learning, object recognition, object detection

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