
POKRAJINA SKOZI ATMOSFERO MISTIKE IN PRIPOVEDI - vizualna vinjeta in staroselska kozmovizija
ID Bolha, Anja (Author), ID Gorenec, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu bi se rada osredotočila na reinterpretacijo pokrajine kot telesa naše Zemlje skozi dojemanje in verovanje, da je ta vir vsega življenja. V vrvežu dandanašnjih navad, predvsem v zahodnem svetu, je njena pomembnost potisnjena v ozadje. V ospredju izstopata individualistični človek in njegova osebna zgodba, ločena od dojemanja celostnosti obstoja, podvržena številnim prepričanjem, predsodkom in na podlagi teh k individualnim odločitvam. Te mnogokrat ne temeljijo na spoštovanju celotnega soobstoja in zavedanju, da imajo dejanja posledice in dolgoročno vplivajo na kakovost. Pomembna se mi zdi obuditev znanja, da v zgodbo življenja ni vključen le sam posameznik, ampak tudi vse, kar je okrog njega. S tem se pogled na pokrajino, ki jo dojemam kot dom, ki ga nosimo v sebi in ki vpliva na naša dejanja in način življenja, predrugači in kreira svet, kakršen je. Odnos postane pomembna vrednota, zavest pa njegovo vodilo. Notranje doživljanje postane notranja pokrajina – zgodba. Če jo znamo videti povezano s kozmosom in soobstojem vsega, jo lahko preusmerimo v delovanje, ki opominja na enost vsega, kar je. Vprašanje načina upodabljanja in zgodbe izza podobe postavlja koncept in dilemo, kako - in ali lahko - reinterpretacijo razumemo v širšem družbenem in idejnem kontekstu.

Keywords:slikarstvo, pokrajina, mistika, kozmovizija, reinterpretacija, pripoved, umetnost, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120037 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2020
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Title:LANDSCAPE THROUGH ATMOSPHERE OF MYSTICS AND STORYTELLING - visual vignette and indigenous cosmovision
In my BA thesis, I would like to focus on the reinterpretation of the landscape as the body of our Mother Earth through the perception and belief that it is the source of all life. In the hustle and bustle of today's customs, especially in the Western world, its importance is pushed into the background. At the forefront is the individualistic man and his personal story, separated from the perception of the integrity of existence, subject to many beliefs, prejudices and, on the basis of these, individual decisions, which are often not based on respect for coexistence and on awareness of the consequences of deeds on long-term quality. I find it important to revive the knowledge that the story of life involves not only the individual himself, but also everything around him. In this way, the view of the landscape, which I perceive as the home we carry within us and which influences our actions and way of life, changes and creates our reality on the world as it is. Relationship becomes an important value and consciousness its guide. The inner experience becomes the inner landscape – the story. If we know how to see it connected with the cosmos and the coexistence of everything, we can redirect it to an action reminiscent of the oneness of all that is. The question of the mode of depiction and the story behind the image raises the concept and dillema of how and whether an reinterpretation can be understood in a broader social and cultural context.

Keywords:painting, landscape, mystic, cosmovision, reinterpretation, storytelling, art, BA thesis

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