
Uporaba kolaborativnega robota v procesih strege in montaže
ID Stele, Domen (Author), ID Šimic, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herakovič, Niko (Comentor)

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Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na uporabnost kolaborativnega robota v procesih strege in montaže. Naloga zajema proces popolnoma ročne montaže žarometov na ročnem montažnem mestu in proces montaže, v katerem je vključen kolaborativni robot. Za uspešno izvedbo ročne montaže v sodelovanju s kolaborativnim robotom je treba določiti, katere strežne in montažne operacije bo izvajal delavec in katere robot. Treba je preurediti montažno mesto, izdelati novo robotsko prijemalo, v načinu ročnega vodenja robota sprogramirati ustrezen cikel delovanja in analizirati njegovo delovanje. Ker izbrana tematika obsega strego, montažo in uporabnost kolaborativnih robotov, so v prvem delu naloge predstavljene teoretične osnove. V nadaljevanju so podrobneje opisane že obstoječe aplikacije s kolaborativnimi roboti, ki se pojavljajo v industriji na ročnih delovnih mestih in predstavljajo osnovo za določitev primernih aplikacij. Naloga obsega tudi zasnovo in izdelavo robotskega prijemala ter novih zalogovnikov sestavnih delov. Pomembnejši del naloge je izdelava programa za izvedbo cikla robota ter eksperimentalno ovrednotenje časov montažnih operacij.

Keywords:kolaborativni robot, ročna montaža, sodelovanje s človekom, franka emika panda, eksperimenti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Stele]
Number of pages:XXII, 52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120028 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32629507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The applicability of a collaborative robot in handling and assembly processes
The thesis focuses on the applicability of a collaborative robot in assembly processes. The thesis presents the manual assembly process of headlights at a manual assembly station and assembly process in which a collaborative robot is involved. In order to successfully perform manual assembly in cooperation with a collaborative robot, it is necessary to determine which handling and assembly operations will be performed by the worker and which by the robot. It is necessary to rearrange the assembly station, make a new robotic gripper, program the appropriate operating cycle of the robot and analyse its operation in real environment. Since the chosen topic includes handling, assembly and usability of collaborative robots, the theoretical foundations are presented in the first part of the thesis. The following describes in more detail the already existing applications with collaborative robots, which appear in the industry in manual processes and represent the basis for determining suitable applications. The task also includes the design and construction of a robotic gripper and construction of new storage places and containers for parts. The most important part of the task is the development of a program for performing the robot cycle, and the experimental evaluation of assembly operations in terms of time analysis.

Keywords:collaborative robot, manual assembly, collaboration with human, franka emika panda, experiments

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