
Analiza digitalnih spretnosti učencev 6. razredov in uvajanje računalniško podprtega preverjanja znanja angleščine v osnovne šole
ID Barle, Julija (Author), ID Hudolin, Katja (Author), ID Žlebir, Katja (Author), ID Pižorn, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Nančovska Šerbec, Irena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6392/ This link opens in a new window

Osnovni namen naše magistrske naloge je bil preveriti digitalne spretnosti učencev 6. razredov in preučiti, ali bi bila uvedba računalniškega preverjanja znanja angleščine v osnovnih šolah v prihodnosti mogoča. Za osvetlitev tega problema smo preverjale možnosti računalniškega preverjanja znanja iz angleščine v slovenskih osnovnih šolah, pri čemer smo se osredinile na nacionalno preverjanje znanja iz angleščine v 6. razredu s poudarkom na nalogah iz pisnega sporočanja. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene digitalne kompetence učencev, vpliv le-teh na življenje v sodobni družbi ter znanja oz. spretnosti, ki jih mora posameznik razviti, da lahko učinkovito uporablja tovrstno tehnologijo in izkoristi njene potenciale. Prikazano je, kako se v zadnjih letih tehnologija in šolstvo neločljivo povezujeta ter pozitivne in negativne izkušnje uporabe IKT v šolah. Pišemo o pomenu usvajanja tujih jezikov na zgodnji stopnji, o trenutnem načinu preverjanja znanja angleščine v Sloveniji ter o obstoječih računalniško podprtih preverjanjih znanja v tujini. Predstavljene so tudi razlike med pisanjem na papir in tipkanjem na računalnik, možnosti za vpeljavo učenja tipkanja v pouk in izsledki že opravljenih raziskav na to temo. V zadnjem delu se dotaknemo tudi vprašanja primerljivosti klasičnih testov na papirju in računalniško podprtih testov. Empirični del je razdeljen v tri sklope. V prvem sklopu smo raziskovale opremljenost šol z IKT, potrebnim za izvedbo računalniško podprtega preverjanja znanja. V raziskavo smo vključile 20 različnih gorenjskih osnovnih šol. Do rezultatov pa smo prišle z anketnim vprašalnikom, naslovljenim na organizatorje računalniških dejavnosti (ROID) gorenjskih osnovnih šol. Na podlagi rezultatov smo prišle do zaključka, da gorenjske osnovne šole količinsko ne nudijo dovolj računalniške opreme, ki bi bila potrebna za opravljanje nacionalnega preverjanja znanja preko računalnika po trenutno obstoječem sistemu v Sloveniji. Ugotovile smo tudi, da uporabo računalnika zunaj pouka učencem omogoča velika večina matičnih in le slaba petina podružničnih šol. Izbirne predmete učencem nudijo vse matične šole, a le dobra tretjina podružničnih šol, interesne dejavnosti pa večina matičnih šol in le nekaj podružničnih. Drugi sklop raziskave vključuje digitalne kompetence učencev ter izsledke raziskave njihove vsakdanje rabe IKT, razlik v digitalnih spretnostih med posamezniki, hitrosti tipkanja v primerjavi s hitrostjo rokopisa in vpliva naštetih dejavnikov na rezultat, izkazan pri nalogi iz pisnega sporočanja v angleščini v obliki rokopisa oziroma vnosa na računalnik. V raziskavi je sodelovalo približno 300 učencev 6. razredov iz 5 različnih gorenjskih osnovnih šol, in sicer so rešili anketni vprašalnik, dva testa hitrosti pisanja (rokopisa in tipkanja) ter dva testa pisnega sporočanja v obliki kratkega vodenega besedila v tujem jeziku (rokopis na papir in tipkanje na računalnik). Glede na učenčeve subjektivne ocene količine rabe računalnika smo ugotovile, da več kot učenci uporabljajo računalnik, boljše so njihove digitalne kompetence, vendar tudi to ni pravilo in obstaja veliko izjem. S preizkusom znanja, s katerim smo učence preverjale v hitrosti tipkanja in rokopisa smo prišle do zaključka, da so učenci hitrejši v rokopisu. Ob tem smo ugotovile tudi, da so bili učenci, ki so bili uspešnejši na testu na papirju, uspešnejši bili tudi na testu na računalniku in obratno. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da so učenci v povprečju dosegli boljši rezultat pri pisanju pisnega sestavka z rokopisom kot s tipkanjem, in sicer za 0,9 točk. Iz rezultatov ne moremo sklepati, da učenci, ki so dosegli boljše rezultate pri pisanju na računalnik in z roko, hitreje prepisujejo besedila na računalnik ali na list papirja. Tretji sklop raziskave predstavlja interes učencev in učiteljev za računalniško podprto preverjanje znanja angleščine. Vzorec vključuje učence, ki so bili udeleženi tudi v 2. sklopu raziskave, in učitelje angleščine, ki poučujejo učence 6. razredov na gorenjskih osnovnih šolah. Rezultati anketnih vprašalnikov so pokazali, da je dobre tri četrtine učencev mnenja, da bi imelo pri reševanju nalog na računalniku težave; kot najpogostejšo so izpostavili tipkanje. Ugotovile smo, da so se učenci, ki so napisali manj znakov na računalnik, v večjem številu odločili, da si ne želijo pisati testov iz angleščine na računalnik, medtem ko so se učenci, ki so napisali več znakov, pogosteje odločili, da si jih želijo reševati. Analiza vprašalnikov je pokazala, da večina učiteljic učencem še nikoli ni omogočila preverjanja znanja na računalniku oz. preko IKT. Prav tako smo izvedele, da večina učiteljic meni, da ni mogoče zagotoviti enakih možnosti za učence pri ocenjevanju z IKT. Pomembna ugotovitev je tudi ta, da se večina učiteljic v naši anketi ne bi odločila za takšno preverjanje znanja. Magistrsko delo bo prispevalo k osvetlitvi pogojev, ki jih izpolnjujejo slovenske osnovne šole za uvedbo računalniško podprtega preverjanja znanja iz angleščine. Pokazalo bo raven digitalnih kompetenc, ki jih dosegajo učenci v 6. razredu osnovne šole, in ali obstaja interes učiteljev ter učencev za takšno preverjanje znanja. Posledično bo pomagalo k odgovoru na vprašanje, ali je takšne vrste preverjanje znanja sploh smiselno v primerjavi s klasičnimi testi na papir.

Keywords:učenje angleščine kot tujega jezika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119996 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28120067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of year 6 students’ digital competence and the implementation of computer-assisted English language assessment into the primary School
The main objective of our master thesis was to test the digital skills of 6th grade students and to investigate whether the introduction of computer-based testing of English language skills in primary schools will be possible in the future. To address this problem, we investigated the possibilities of computer-based testing of English language skills in Slovenian primary schools, focusing on national tests of English language skills in grade 6, with a focus on writing tasks. In the theoretical part, we discuss the digital literacy of students, its impact on life in today's society, and the knowledge and skills that an individual needs to develop in order to use technology effectively and exploit its potential. Recent years show how inseparable technology and education are, as well as the positive and negative experiences with the use of ICT in schools. We also debate the importance of early introduction of foreign languages, the current way of testing English in Slovenia and the existing computer-based examinations abroad. Next, we examine the difference between hand-writing and typing on the computer, the possibilities of introducing learning to type into the classrooms, and the reserach findings related to this topic. Finally, we compared classical paper tests and computer-based tests. The empirical part is divided into three sub-parts. In the first part, we examined the equipment of schools with the ICT required for computer-based assessment. The sample consisted of 20 different primary schools in the Gorenjska region. The results were obtained with the help of a questionnaire addressed to the organizers of computer activities (slo. ROID) of Gorenjska primary schools. On the basis of the results, we concluded that Gorenjska primary schools do are not supplied with computer equipment in sufficient quantity that would be necessary to implement the national computerized language assessment under the system currently in place in Slovenia. We also discovered that the vast majority of central schools and only about one-fifth of the branch schools enable students to use a computer outside the classroom. Elective computer-based courses are offered to students by all central schools, but only by just over a third of branch schools, while computer-related extra-curricular activities are offered by the majority of the central schools and only by a few branch schools. The second part of the study focuses on the students' digital literacy skills and the student's daily use of ICT, the differences in digital skills between individuals, typing speed versus handwriting speed, and consequently the impact of these factors on the students' writing achievements. About 300 6th Grade students from 5 different Gorenjska primary schools took part in the survey and completed a questionnaire, two speed tests, measuring handwriting and typing, and two short guided writing test tasks, one handwritten and one typed on the computer. Based on students' perceptions of the extent of their computer use, the findings show that the more students use computers, the better their digital literacy. However, this is not the rule and there are many exceptions. The results obtained by examining the proficiency of the students' typing and handwriting speed, show that the students mastered handwriting faster. In addition, we found out that the students who were more successful in the paper-based writing test were also more successful in the computer-based writing test and vice versa. The results also show that on average the students achieved a 0.9-point better result when handwriting. However, we cannot conclude from the results that students who have achieved better results on the writing task (either on the computer or writing by hand) can also copy out texts faster on the computer or by hand. The third part of the research is the interest of students and teachers in computer-based English language assessment. The sample includes pupils who were also involved in the 2nd part of the survey, as well as English teachers who teach 6th Grade pupils in the Gorenjska primary schools. The results of the two questionnaires showed that more than three-quarters of the students expressed that they would have difficulties in computer-based EFL assessment, the most common difficulty perceived by the students was typing. We found that the students who wrote fewer characters on the computer also do not wish to take EFL tests on computers, while the students who wrote more characters on the computer were more likely to take na computer-based test. The answers of the teachers show that the majority has never enabled their students to take an English test on the computer or ICT. We also learned that the majority of teachers believe that it is not possible to guarantee equal opportunities for all students in case of computer-based assessment. Another important result is that the majority of the teachers in the survey would not opt for a computer-based test. The thesis will help to shed light on the conditions fulfilled by Slovenian primary schools for the introduction of computer-based assessment of the English language. It shows the level of digital literacy achieved by pupils in the 6th Grade of primary school and whether there is interest from teachers and pupils in such an assessment. Therefore, the obtained results will help to consider the sensibility and feasibilty computer-based assessment compared with classical paper tests.

Keywords:learning English as a foreign language (EFL)

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