
Teologija osvoboditve in teorija sociologije religije : magistrsko delo
ID Jurekovič, Igor (Author), ID Zalta, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo želi pokazati, kako nam primer teologije osvoboditve lahko pomaga pri oblikovanju sodobnih teorij sociologije religije. Prikaz krize koncepta religije, do katerega pripeljejo sociološki in religiološki kritiki v zadnji četrtini 20. stoletja, tvori prvi del magistrskega dela. Očitki kritikov so se osredotočali predvsem na protestantsko razumevanje religije kot nekaj povsem intelektualističnega, tj. esencializacijo religije kot verovanja v Boga, ki je omejeno na specializirane družbene institucije. Pokažemo, da takšna konceptualizacija koncepta religije onemogoča analitično plodno raziskovanje. Da bi pokazali, zakaj koncept religije kljub temu lahko obdržimo, se v drugem delu obračamo k latinskoameriški teologiji osvobodite. Sprva jo predstavimo kot koherenten teološki nauk, nato pa jo analiziramo kot družbeno gibanje. Pokažemo, da socio-analitična, hermenevtična in praktična mediacija tvorijo ključne elemente nauka. Gibanje teologije osvoboditve predstavimo skozi prizmo občih družbenih pogojev, institucionalnih značilnosti katoliške cerkve ter kolektivnega habitusa, ki so potrebni za razvoj gibanja. Četudi v zaključku drugega dela predstavimo krizo gibanja, njeno analizo odložimo na konec tretjega dela. V ta namen v slednjem sprva na primeru teorije racionalne izbire, ki smo jo izbrali kot učbeniški primer sodobne sociološke teorije religije, pokažemo na temeljne pomanjkljivosti omenjenega pristopa, čigar ključna značilnost je njegova neutelešenost. S pomočjo nauka teologije osvoboditve kot utelešene teologije pokažemo na pomembnost vključitve telesa v analitični aparat sociologije religije. V zaključku tretjega dela se vrnemo k analizi krize teologije osvoboditve, pri čemer soočimo analitično nezadovoljivo teorijo racionalne izbire z nereduktivnim materialističnim pristopom Manuela Vásqueza, enega izmed utemeljiteljev sodobnega materialnega obrata v raziskovanju religije. Na ta način pokažemo, da lahko krizo teologije osvoboditve razumemo zgolj z materialistično analizo ter da teologija osvoboditve tvori enega izmed ključnih intelektualnih tokov sodobne materialistične teorije religije.

Keywords:teologija osvoboditve, Latinska Amerika, teorija racionalne izbire, telo, materialni obrat
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Jurekovič]
Number of pages:173 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119990 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:57790467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Liberation theology and sociological theory of religion
This master’s thesis aims to show how liberation theology can aid in formulating contemporary sociological theories of religion. The first part of the thesis demonstrates the crisis of religion as a concept, which was brought about by sociological and religious studies critics during the final quarter of the 20th century. In sum, these critics point to a protestant bias, because of which religion is understood as completely intellectualistic, thus labelling religion as primarily a matter of belief in a god, a phenomenon in fact limited to specialized social institutions. Having established that this conceptualization makes the category of religion analytically powerless, we turn to the Latin American liberation theology in order to demonstrate how the concept of religion may yet be useful. First, we analyse it as a coherent theological teaching, before examining liberation theology as a social movement. While socio-analytical, hermeneutical and practical mediations comprise the main elements of the teaching, we analyse the movement through the social conditions, institutional characteristics and collective habitus needed for its emergence. The second part of the thesis is rounded up by showcasing the crisis of the movement while he analysis itself is postponed until the closing sections of the third part. We begin the latter by presenting rational choice theory as a default contemporary sociological theory of religion, explaining its shortcomings, which primarily stem from the fact that it is a disembodied theory. Turning once again to liberation theology as an example of an embodied theology, we propose key analytical advantages of integrating the body into the analytical apparatus of the sociology of religion. Having done so, we return to analysing the crisis of liberation theology. We confront the analytically insufficient rational choice theory with the non-reductive materialist approach of Manuel Vásquez, one of the founders of the material turn in the study of religion. By doing so, we show how the crisis of liberation theology can only be properly understood from a materialist point of view, while also demonstrating how liberation theology forms one of the key intellectual currents in contemporary materialist theories of religion.

Keywords:liberation theology, Latin America, rational choice theory, body, material turn

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