
Izdelava zemljevida jakosti moči signala mobilnega omrežja za namene elektronskega bojevanja
ID LIKAR, GAL (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vojna spremlja človeka že vse od njegovega začetka. Z razvojem človeške družbe in njenim tehnološkim dogrevanjem, so se vzporedno spreminjale tudi oblike vojskovanja. V vojnem konfliktu tehnologija predstavlja pomembno utež, ki lahko prevesi tehtnico razmerja sil v tisto stran, ki jo zna bolje uporabiti. Ob začetku odkritja in uporabe elektromagnetnega valovanja se je odprla nova dimenzija vojskovanja. Če se je prej vojna bila na zemlji, vodi in v zraku, se je kasneje konflikt razširil še na področje elektromagnetnega spektra (EMS), ki je postal pomembna dobrina, uporaben sprva predvsem za komunikacije, pozneje pa tudi za radarske in namerilne sisteme. Tako kot je raba radijskih komunikacij in drugih naprav, ki uporabljajo elektromagnetni spekter, nepogrešljiva v civilnem svetu, lahko ohromitev takih sistemov povzroči zlom celotne vojaške organizacije, ki je svoje delovanje prilagodila uporabi tovrstnih modernih tehnologij. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela. V prvem je predstavljeno sodobno elektronsko bojevanje, njegove značilnosti in tehnologije v uporabi. V drugem delu je opisano sestavljanje in delo s preprostim spektralnim analizatorjem osnovanim na programirljivem radiju in računalniku Raspberry Pi. Na koncu so predstavljeni še rezultati merjenja moči signala LTE oddajnika na nekem območju.

Keywords:elektronsko bojevanje, spektralni analizator, goniometer, Raspberry Pi, programirljivi radio
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119970 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Mapping of the mobile network signal strength for the purpose of electronic warfare
War has accompanied Man since his beginnings. With the development of human society and its technological advancement, the forms of warfare also changed with it. In an armed conflict, technology is an important factor that can tip the balance of power to the side which can better use and apply it. With the discovery and first use of electromagnetic waves, a new dimension of warfare opened up. If at first the war was fought on land, water and air, later the conflict spread to the field of electromagnetic spectrum (EMS), which became an important commodity, useful first for communications, but later also for radar and sighting systems. Just as the use of radio communications and other devices using the electromagnetic spectrum is indispensable in the civilian world, the paralysis of such systems can lead to the breakdown of an entire military organization that has adapted its operations to the use of such modern technologies. The diploma work is divided into two parts. The first presents modern electronic warfare, its features and technologies in current use. The second part describes the assembly and operation of a simple spectrum analyzer based on a software defined radio and a Raspberry Pi computer. Finally, measurements of the LTE signal transmitter strength in a given area are presented.

Keywords:electronic warfare, spectrum analyzer, goniome, Raspberry Pi, software defined radio

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