
Storitve za starejše v splošnih knjižnicah
ID Zadravec, Eva (Author), ID Vilar, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prebivalstvo v Sloveniji in po svetu se stara. Temu se morajo ustrezno prilagoditi družba in tudi splošne knjižnice. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali, kakšne so potrebe in želje aktivnih starejših (tistih, ki lahko sami pridejo v knjižnico), povezane s splošno knjižnico. Raziskavo smo izvedli na primeru večje knjižnice v Sloveniji, Mestne knjižnice Ljubljana. V letu 2019 smo izvedli intervjuje z 18 člani dveh Dnevnih centrov aktivnosti za starejše v Ljubljani, ki so imeli 64 let ali več. Ugotovili smo, da so aktivni starejši člani MKL. Uporabljajo predvsem izposojo gradiva, nekateri pa obiskujejo tudi dogodke, ki jih knjižnica organizira. Sicer smo ugotovili, da nekateri starejši slabo poznajo dejavnosti in storitve MKL. Z delom knjižnice in zaposlenimi so zelo zadovoljni. MKL jim pomeni veliko. S svojim gradivom podpira njihovo vseživljenjsko učenje in predstavlja prostor, kjer se ljudje družijo med seboj. Pokazali so zanimanje za opravljanje prostovoljnega dela v knjižnici. Podali so različne predloge za nove dogodke, predvsem si želijo glasnega branja za tiste starejše, ki slabše vidijo. Rezultati lahko pomagajo MKL in drugi splošnim knjižnicam pri načrtovanju in evalvaciji storitev za starejše.

Keywords:Starejši, Knjižnične storitve, Splošne knjižnice, Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119951 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Public library services for older adults
The population in Slovenia and around the world is experiencing ageing. The society and also public libraries must adapt to this phenomenon. With the Master's thesis we are exploring the needs and wishes of active older adults (older adults, who are able to visit the library by themselves) that are related to the public library. We conducted the research in one bigger public library in Slovenia, Ljubljana city library. In 2019 we interviewed 18 members of two daily activity centres in Ljubljana, who were at least 64 years old. We discovered that most of the interviewees are members of Ljubljana city library. They mainly use public library to borrow library material, some of them also attend events organized by the library. Otherwise, we found that some active older adults aren't very familiar with the library's services and activites. The active older adults have expressed great pleasure with the library and it's employees. Ljubljana city library has a great meaning to them. The library's material supports their lifelong learning, for them library is a place where people can socialize with one another. They also showed interest in becoming library's volunteers. The interviewees have made various suggestions for new events. They were particularly interested in reading aloud for those older adults, who have trouble reading. The results can help Ljubljana city library and other public libraries with planning and evaluation of services for older adults.

Keywords:Older adults, Library services, Public library, Ljubljana city library

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