
Ugotavljanje onesnaženosti zraka v srednji Soški dolini z izbranimi vrstami mahov
ID Mavrič, Anja (Author), ID Vogel Mikuš, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na onesnaženost zraka v srednji Soški dolini vpliva več onesnaževalcev. V zimskem času so vir zračnih onesnaževal individualna kurišča. Tovarna Salonit Anhovo je bila nekoč predelovalka rakotvornega azbesta, danes pa je cementarna in sosežigalnica. Onesnaženost zraka smo raziskovali z akumulacijo zračnih delcev na površino mahov ter s filtriranjem zraka z zračno črpalko. Vzorčenje je potekalo del kurilne ter del nekurilne sezone. Uporabili smo štiri vrste mahov: Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw., Polytrichum formosum (Hedw.), Pseudoscleropodium purum (Hedw.) Fleischer in Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Br. Eur, ki smo jih v mrežastih vrečkah izpostavili na štirih vzorčnih mestih. Elementno sestavo mahov smo določili z XRF in ICP-MS, filtre pa smo analizirali z LA-ICP-MS in SEM EDX. Ugotovili smo, da imajo izbrane vrste mahov različno sposobnost akumulacije elementov. Koncentracije akumuliranih elementov so se razlikovale tako med različnimi vrstami kot med različnimi sezonami in vzorčnimi mesti. Zaznali smo akumulacijo elementov iz zemeljske skorje. V Soški dolini so bile koncentracije živega srebra in talija višje kot na vzorčnem mestu na pobočju sosednje doline. Na vseh vzorčnih mestih smo našli delce, podobne azbestnim vlaknom.

Keywords:onesnaževanje zraka, mahovi, filtriranje zraka, Soška dolina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119909 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:33194499 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Air pollution monitoring in the middle Soča valley by selected moss species
In the middle Soča valley there are many sources of air pollution. Important sources in winter are wood-burning fireplaces. In this area Salonit Anhovo is located where carcinogenic asbestos was processed in the past. Now it is a cement and co-incineration plant. Air pollution has been monitored by the accumulation of air particles on the surface of mosses and by filtering the air with an air pump. Sampling took place during the heating and non-heating periods. Four moss species were used: Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw., Polytrichum formosum (Hedw.), Pseudoscleropodium purum (Hedw.) Fleischer in Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Br. Eur. At four sampling sites moss was exposed in net bags. The elemental composition of the moss was determined by XRF and ICP-MS. Air filters were analysed by LA -ICP- MS and SEM EDX. We concluded that selected moss species have a different element enrichment capacity. The concentrations of accumulated elements varied between different moss species, seasons and sampling sites. An accumulation of elements from the continental crust was found. In the middle of the Soča valley the accumulation of mercury and thallium was higher than on the slope of the neighbouring valley. Asbestos-like particles were found at all sampling sites.

Keywords:air pollution, moss, air filtering, Soča valley

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