
Tesnobni svet intime
ID Mramor, Meta (Author), ID Pak, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prvi del diplomske naloge predstavlja teoretično ozadje emocionalne intime v povezavi s tesnobnimi občutki, ki se pojavijo ob samorazkrivanju in pretiranemu zaupanju drugi osebi. Poudarek je na psihološkem vidiku dojemanja strahu, tveganja in ranljivosti v intimnih odnosih ter lastni interpretaciji emocij, ki izhajajo iz tesnobnega sveta intime. V nadaljevanju obravnavam dela referenčnih umetnikov: Louise Bourgeois, Eve Hesse, Marine Abramović in Ulaya, Lucia Fontane ter Senge Nengudi, ki so v meni vzbudila določena čustva in so mi bila v pomoč pri osnovanju praktičnega dela naloge. V drugem delu preidem na praktično izvedbo, kjer skozi skice in makete v najrazličnejših medijih iščem način, kako materializirati anksioznost, ki jo doživljam v intimnih odnosih, ter kako vse skupaj izraziti v končnem izdelku. Bistvenega pomena je iskanje mejne točke, do katere se še lahko odkrijem drugi osebi, vendar pri tem ne izgubim svojega bistva. V končnem izdelku tesnobno napetost ponazorim z odpiranjem steklenih ploskev, s katerima se identificiram. Med njima je napeto blago, ki preprečuje, da bi panela padla na tla in se razbila – tako v fizičnem kot tudi duhovnem smislu.

Keywords:unikatno oblikovanje, intima, steklo, tesnoba, samorazkritje, napetost, tveganje, ranljivost, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119890 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Anxious world of intimacy
The first part of the Bachelor thesis comprises the theoretical background of emotional intimacy in connection with feelings of anxiety emerging when an individual self-discloses or trusts excessively in another person. The focus is on the psychological perspective of experiencing fear, risk and vulnerability in intimate relationships and on my own interpretation of emotions arising from the anxious world of intimacy. Afterwards, I do a case study of referential material of artists Louise Bourgeois, Eva Hesse, Marina Abramović and Ulaya, Lucio Fontana and Senga Nengudi whose works evoked in me particular feelings and helped me form a practical part of the thesis. In the second part I move on to a practical realization, where through sketches and maquettes made in various art media I am exploring approaches for materializing anxiety related to intimate relationships, which will be used in my artwork. Of utmost importance is finding a limit to which I could self-disclose, without losing myself in the process. In the final work the anxious tension is represented by two diverging glass surfaces with which I identify. A fully stretched fabric is holding the glass panels together and preventing them from falling down and breaking - both in physical and spiritual sense.

Keywords:applied arts, intimacy, glass, anxiety, self-disclosure, tension, risk, vulnerability, BA thesis

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