
Novodobniška duhovnost v Sloveniji: Primer Centra Manas : primer Centra Manas
ID Novak, Maruša (Author), ID Črnič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Novodobniško gibanje je na Zahodu prisotno že od 60. let, v slovenskem prostoru pa se je pojavilo dve desetletji kasneje. Do danes je novodobništvo prodrlo v različne sfere družbenega življenja in se ne uveljavlja le v zasebni sferi, temveč tudi v podjetjih in drugih organizacijah. Novodobniška duhovnost se izraža v izrazito subjektivnem odnosu do religioznih prepričanj. Strukturno jo določajo predvsem individualizem, potrošniški pristop in neformalna organizacijska struktura. Ideje novodobniške duhovnosti sem raziskovala na primeru Centra Manas, ki obenem deluje kot društvo in skupnost. Dokazati poskušam, da gre pri obravnavani skupini za novo religijsko gibanje s tipično novodobniško obliko duhovnosti. Svoj empirični del sem tako zasnovala na dveh intervjujih in dveh opazovanjih z udeležbo. Ugotovitve kažejo, da je Center Manas novo religijsko gibanje s tipičnimi novodobniškimi idejami, izkustvi in praksami, ki se odražajo v dejavnostih, ki jih izvajajo za svoje člane ter za širši novodobniški milje.

Keywords:novodobniška duhovnost, novo religijsko gibanje, Manas, karizmatični vodja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Novak]
Number of pages:81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119869 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30238723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:New age spirituality in Slovenia: Manas Center : diplomsko delo
New Age movement in the West has been present from 1960s, and appeared in Slovenia two decades later. As of today new age has penetrated into various spheres of society and is gaining ground not only in private life but also in companies and other organizations. New age spirituality is expressed in a distinctly subjective attitude toward religious beliefs. Structurally, it is determined primarily by individualism, the consumer approach and the informal organizational structure. I researched the ideas of new age spirituality on the example of the Manas Center, which acts as both an association and a community. I am trying to prove that this group is a new religious movement with a typical modern form of new age spirituality. For my empirical work, I did two interviews and made two participatory observations. The findings show that Center Manas is a new religious movement with typical New Age ideas, experiences and practices that are reflected in the activities for its members and for the wider New Age milieu.

Keywords:new age spirituality, new age movement, Manas, charismatic leader

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