
Izdelava video iger z uporabo tehnologije bločnih verig
ID Leskovšek, Matej (Author), ID Trček, Denis (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tehnologija bločnih verig je z nami že vrsto let. Primarni način uporabe so finančne transakcije s tako imenovanimi kriptovalutami, s katerimi podjetja financirajo svoje projekte. Kako pa je s shranjevanjem podatkov v verigo, je splošni javnosti manj znano. V svoji diplomski nalogi se bom osredotočil na shranjevanje podatkov tekom igranja igre na Ethereum bločno verigo, s katere bom te podatke potem tudi bral. Rezultati diplomske naloge bodo uporabni za podjetja in posameznike, ki se ukvarjajo z izdelavo računalniških iger. Moje postopke bodo lahko uporabili za shranjevanje podatkov v lastnih izdelkih. Zaradi uporabe decentraliziranega pristopa bodo ti podatki varnejši. Kot primer lahko uporabimo mikrotransakcije, shranjevanje podatkov in dokazov o nakupu, shranjevanje bančnih kartic in osebne podatke.

Keywords:bločne verige, video igre, Solidity, Web3, phaser
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119834 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30787587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2020
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Title:Game development using blockchain technology
Blockchain technology has been around for several years. The primary way is their use to support cryptocurrency transactions, and other methods of use (i.e. ledgers) are also gaining ground. In the diploma thesis we examine the possibilities of using blockchains in the field of computer games, so that it will record all the important data in connection with them to the chain. The results of this thesis will be useful for companies and individuals involved in the development of these games. There are several possibilities for improvement and we will identify them in the work. However, we will focus in particular on those that can be implemented on open platforms and are based on micro transactions.

Keywords:blockchain, video games, Solidity, Web3, phaser

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