
Fabianijevi posegi v Štanjelu na Krasu
ID Žerjal, Anja (Author), ID Novak Klemenčič, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Arhitekt in urbanist Maks Fabiani (1865–1962) se je rodil v vasi Kobdilj na Krasu. Poleg arhitekturnih del v Sloveniji in tujini je s svojim modernističnim pristopom zaznamoval tudi naselje Štanjel. To je poznano kot eno najznamenitejših kraških naselij zaradi bogate zgodovine in Fabianijevega urejanja v dvajsetih in tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, po njegovi zaslugi so namreč elementi naselja povezani v skladno celoto. Med drugim je prenavljal štanjelski grad, cerkev sv. Danijela in Dom fašizma, za Enrica Ferrarija pa je uredil vilo Ferrari s pripadajočim vrtom, ki velja za eno najpomembnejših krajinsko-arhitekturnih del 20. stoletja pri nas. Stavba vile je nastala z združitvijo starejših enoceličnih kmečkih hiš, pri vrtu pa je Fabiani uporabil vse principe modernističnega oblikovanja krajine – v njem so uporabljeni elementi iz različnih umetnostnih obdobij (renesansa, klasicizem, secesija), ti pa so povezani v eklektičen, a hkrati usklajen kompleks. Med drugim v vrtu stojijo grotta, paviljon in pergola. Fabiani je v Štanjelu upošteval koncept vključevanja genius loci, kar pomeni, da se je pri predelavah oziral tudi na duh kraja in njegovo izročilo.

Keywords:Štanjel, Maks Fabiani, vila Ferrari, krajinsko oblikovanje, genius loci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119725 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2020
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Title:Fabiani's interventions at Štanjel in Karst region
Architect and urban planner Maks Fabiani (1865–1962) was born in the village of Kobdilj in Karst region. In addition to architectural works in Slovenia and abroad, he characterized the village of Štanjel with his modernist approach. Štanjel is regarded as one of the most famous Karst settlements because of its rich history and Fabiani’s arrangements in the 1920s and 1930s, resulting in different elements of a village being connected to integral whole. Among other buildings he renovated the castle of Štanjel, the church of St. Danijel and Casa del Fascio. He also designed the Ferrari villa with its garden, which is considered one of the most important landscape works of the 20th century in Slovenia. The villa was created by merging older single-celled farmhouses, and in the garden Fabiani applied all the principles of modernist landscaping – he used elements from several artistic periods (Renaissance, Classicism, Secession) and connected them in an eclectic yet coherent whole. Among other elements, there is a grotto in the garden, a pavilion and a pergola. Fabiani adhered to the concept of integrating genius loci which means that he considered the spirit of the settlement and its tradition when working there.

Keywords:Štanjel, Maks Fabiani, the Ferrari villa, landscape design, genius loci

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