
Uporaba robotskega in operativnega sistema za programiranje kolaborativnega robota Franka Emika
ID Markovič, Martin (Author), ID Šimic, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Herakovič, Niko (Comentor)

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Kolaborativni roboti so poleg virtualne resničnosti in aditivnih tehnologij glavne tehnologije strojne opreme, pomembne pri integraciji strategij Industrije 4.0. Delo obsega obravnavo kolaborativnih robotov in njihovih aplikacij v industriji, uporabo sistema ROS in njegovih knjižnic ter vmesnikov in programiranja gibov kolaborativnega robota v namen uporabe v sodobnem montažnem mestu. Kolaborativnega robota podjetja Franka Emika, Panda smo integrirali v programski ekosistem ROS. Robota smo upravljali preko aplikacije RViz in preko vmesnika Moveit! s skriptami, napisanimi v programskem jeziku Python. Izdelali smo simulacijo robota v programu Gazebo in jo integrirali v vmesnik Moveit!, kar je omogočalo uporabo enakih programskih skript kot na pravem robotu. V prvem delu analize, uporabe robota v sodobnem montažnem mestu, smo preučevali uspešnost krmiljenja pravega robota in njegove simulacije, glede na stopnjo uspešnosti upravljenih gibov. V drugem delu smo v virtualno okolje robota postavili predmete in preučevali trajektorijo robotske roke pri umikanju virtualnim predmetom. Ugotovitve smo sproti upoštevali in spreminjali nastavitve v paketu vmesnika ter spreminjali programske skripte z namenom povečevanja stopnje uspešnosti giba in manjšanjem njegove trajektorije.

Keywords:kolaborativni robot, programiranje, ROS, libfranka, Moveit!, Python
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Markovič]
Number of pages:XXII, 88 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119626 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28601603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Title:Using a robotic operating system to program a collaborative robot Franka Emika
In addition to virtual reality and additive technologies, collaborative robots are major hardware technologies important for the integration of Industry 4.0 strategies. The work includes the discussion of collaborative robots and their applications in industry, the use of the ROS system and its libraries, as well as interfaces and programming of the movements of the collaborative robot for the use in a modern assembly site. We integrated the collaborative robot, the company Franka Emika, Panda, into the software ecosystem of ROS. The robot was operated via the RViz application and via the Moveit! interface, with scripts written in the Python programming language. We created a robot simulation in Gazebo, and integrated it into the Moveit! interface, which allowed the use of the same program scripts as on a real robot. In the first part of the analysis, of the use of a robot in a modern assembly site, we studied the success of controlling a real robot and its simulation, according to the level of success of controlled movements. In the second part, we placed objects in the virtual environment of the robot and studied the trajectory of the robotic arm when evading from virtual objects. We have taken the findings into account and changed the settings in the interface package, and changed the program scripts in order to increase the level of success of the movement in the order of reduction its trajectory.

Keywords:collaborative robot, programming, ROS, libfranka, Moveit!, Python

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