
Gibalne didaktične igre pri poučevanju gospodinjstva
ID Maček, Lara (Author), ID Lovšin Kozina, Francka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6375/ This link opens in a new window

Gibanje štejemo med osnovne človekove potrebe. Zato je pomembno, da otrokom v času odraščanja gibanje privzgojimo kot vrednoto. Vedno več otrok se premalo giba in ne dosega standardov, ki jih priporoča svetovna zdravstvena organizacija - 60 minut zmerne telesne dejavnosti vsaj pet dni ali vse dni v tednu. Šola je prostor, kjer učenci preživijo velik del dneva, zato je pomembno, da se tudi v šoli veliko gibajo. Gibalno-didaktične igre omogočajo učenje nove snovi in spodbujanje gibanja učencev. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali učenje z vključitvijo gibalnih dejavnosti v predmet gospodinjstvo izboljša znanje, motivacijo in počutje ter kakšna so stališča učencev do gibalnih iger pri predmetu. Rezultati pedagoškega eksperimenta v katerem je sodelovalo 61 učencev šestega razreda niso pokazali statistično pomembnih razlik v znanju med eksperimentalno skupino (skupino, ki se je učila z gibalnimi didaktičnimi igrami) in kontrolno skupino (tradicionalni pouk), so pa pokazali, da gibalne igre izboljšajo motivacijo in počutje učencev med učno uro. Prav tako so bila stališča učencev do vključitve gibalnih iger v pouk v večini pozitivna. Navajali so, da jih gibalne dejavnosti sprostijo, napolnijo z energijo, so bolj motivirani za delo in je manj disciplinskih težav. Navedeno je pokazalo tudi opazovanje razredne dinamike tekom pedagoškega eksperimenta. Za zdrav življenjski slog posameznika ni dovolj samo obvladovanje teoretičnega znanja ampak tudi prenos naučenega v vsakdanje življenje. Gibanje je poleg prehrane pomemben vidik zdravega življenjskega sloga. Učitelj gospodinjstva lahko s premišljenim vključevanjem gibalnih didaktičnih iger tako nevsiljivo poskrbi za več gibanja pri pouku in hkrati učence nauči novo snov v sproščenem okolju v katerem se učenci dobro počutijo in so motivirani za učenje.

Keywords:aktivno poučevanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119595 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27530243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Movement didactic games in home economics lessons
Movement is considered one of the basic human needs. It is therefore important to instil movement as a value in children as they are growing up. More and more children are not physically active enough and do not meet the standards recommended by the World Health Organisation – 60 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days a week, or every day. As children spend much of their day in school, it is important that they get enough exercise there as well. Movement didactic games enable students to learn new subject matter and encourage them to be physically active. The aim of this master’s thesis was to determine whether learning by incorporating physical activities into the subject of home economics improves knowledge, motivation and well-being, and what are the pupils’ opinions about movement games in the subject. The results of a pedagogical experiment, in which 61 sixth grade students participated, did not show statistically significant differences in knowledge between the experimental group (group which used didactic movement games for learning) and the control group (traditional lessons). They did, however, show that movement games increase motivation and improve the well-being of students during the lesson. Furthermore, the students’ opinions of the inclusion of movement games in the classroom are largely positive. They stated they find physical activities relaxing and energising, they feel more motivated to work and there are fewer disciplinary problems. The same conclusions were found through observing the class dynamics during the pedagogical experiment. For a healthy lifestyle of an individual, it is not enough just to master theoretical knowledge but also to transfer this knowledge into everyday life. In addition to diet, movement is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. By thoughtfully incorporating movement didactic games, a household economics teacher can unobtrusively enable more movement in the classroom, and at the same time teach students new subject matter in a relaxed environment, in which students feel comfortable and motivated to learn.

Keywords:active teaching

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