
Vpliv protihrupnih ograj na obremenjenost s hrupom na avtocestnem odseku Brezovica – Vrhnika
ID Velkov, Stefan (Author), ID Ogrin, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razvoj in modernizacijo družbe spremlja tudi povečanje hrupa iz različnih virov, med katerimi je najpogostejši in najbolj zaskrbljujoč hrup iz cestnega prometa. Njegovo čezmerno povečevanje ne povzroča zgolj razvrednotenja bivalnega okolja, temveč tudi pomembno vpliva na zdravje ljudi. Negativni učinki so predvsem odvisni od jakosti in trajanja izpostavljenosti. V ta namen smo izvedli raziskavo o vplivu protihrupnih ograj na obremenjenost s hrupom na avtocestnem odseku A1 Brezovica – Vrhnika. Za namen ocenjevanja njihovega vpliva so bile izvedene meritve ob obeh voznih smereh avtoceste pri različnih načinih postavitve protihrupnih ograj. Meritve so se izvajale na merilnih točkah različnih razdalj, in sicer med 10 in 500 m oddaljenosti od avtoceste. Njihova analiza je pokazala, da protihrupne ograje opazno vplivajo na zmanjšanje hrupa do oddaljenosti 150 m od avtoceste. V povprečju so hrup pri razdalji 10 m zmanjšale za 13 dBA, pri 50 m za 8,9 dBA, pri 100 m za 3,8 dBA in pri 150 m za 1,1 dBA. Pri 200 m je bil hrup zmanjšan le še za 0,9 dBA. Med 200 in 500 m je bil vpliv protihrupnih ograj enak nič ali celo rahlo negativen. Na posameznih merilnih točkah so bili zaznani tudi zvočni odboji, ki jih povzročajo protihrupne ograje. Zaradi relativno slabe učinkovitosti slednjih je torej izredno priporočljivo zmanjševanje hrupa na samem izvoru.

Keywords:hrup, protihrupne ograje, varstvo bivalnega okolja, prometna geografija, avtocesta A1 Brezovica - Vrhnika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119575 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of noise barriers on noise pollution on the motorway section Brezovica – Vrhnika
The development and modernization of society is also accompanied by an increase in noise from various sources, among which the most common and worrying is noise from road traffic. Its excessive increase not only devalues the living environment, but also has a significant impact on human health. Negative effects mainly depend on the intensity and duration of exposure. For this purpose, we conducted a study on the impact of noise barriers on noise pollution on the motorway section A1 Brezovica - Vrhnika. For the purpose of assessing their impact, we took measurements along both driving directions of the motorway at different layouts of the noise barriers. Measurements were performed at measuring points of different distances, namely between 10 and 500 m distance from the motorway. The analysis showed that noise barriers have a noticeable effect on reducing noise up to a distance of 150 m from the motorway. On average, they reduced noise at a distance of 10 m by 13 dBA, at 50 m by 8.9 dBA, at 100 m by 3.8 dBA and at 150 m by 1.1 dBA. At 200 m, the noise was reduced by only 0.9 dBA. Between 200 and 500 m, the impact of noise barriers was zero or even slightly negative. There were also detected some sound reflections caused by noise barriers at individual measuring points. Due to the relatively poor efficiency of the latter, it is therefore highly recommended to reduce the noise at its source.

Keywords:noise, noise barriers, protection of the living environment, geography of transport, motorway A1 Brezovica – Vrhnika

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